博客园 cn book 主题备份



  • 👔 作者:GShang
  • 💻 兼容手机、平板、桌面
  • 🌓 深色模式




    let avatar = "https://pic.cnblogs.com/avatar/2913706/20230129104342.png",
        homepage = $('#profile_block a').eq(0).attr('href'),
        name = $('#profile_block a').eq(0).text(),
        desc = $('#blogTitle h2').html(),
        join = $('#profile_block a').eq(1).attr('title'),
        age = $('#profile_block a').eq(1).text(),
        fans_link = $('#profile_block a').eq(2).attr('href'),
        fans = $('#profile_block a').eq(2).text(),
        follow_link = $('#profile_block a').eq(3).attr('href'),
        follow = $('#profile_block a').eq(3).text(),
        post = $('#stats_post_count').text().replace(/[^0-9]/ig, ""),
        article = $('#stats_article_count').text().replace(/[^0-9]/ig, ""),
        comment = $('#stats-comment_count').text().replace(/[^0-9]/ig, ""),
        view_text = $('#stats-total-view-count span').text(),
        view_num = $('#stats-total-view-count span').attr('title').replace(/[^0-9]/ig, "")
    let profile =`
    <div id="my-profile">
    <div id="top-info">
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                <span id="age" title="join">${age}</span>
            <div class="my-desc">${desc}</div>

    <div class="my-detaial">
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                <div class="my-stats">
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                    <ul class="dropwon-content">
                        <li id="post" title="随笔: ${post}"> ${post}</li>
                        <li id="article" title="文章: ${article}"> ${article}</li>
                        <li id="comment" title="评论: ${comment}"> ${comment}</li>
                        <li id="view" title="阅读: ${view_num}"> ${view_text}</li>
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                    message: $('#digg_tips').text(),
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window.onload =function()


页面定制 CSS 代码

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/************** 基本样式 开始 ***************/

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/* 去广告 */

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/************** 侧边栏 开始 ***************/

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/************** 评论开始 ***************/

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/* 合集 */
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页首 HTML 代码

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页脚 HTML 代码

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// 参考文献
function ref() {
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// 图注释文字
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/* 随笔分类背景图 */
entryPostTitle = function() {
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/* 侧边开关 */
sidebarToggle = function() {

/* 侧边显示 */
showSide = function() {

/* 目录显示 */
showContent = function() {

/* 平滑滚动控制 */
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// 滚动监听事件
scrollListen = function() {
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postBasicSetting = function() {
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// 图片查看器
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/* 代码复制提示 */
copyCodeTip = function() {
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/* owo 表情包插件 */

owoEmoji = function() {
        '<div class="OwO" onclick="load_face(this)"><div class="OwO-logo"><i class="fa fa-smile-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></div></div>'
    // 表情按钮按下
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        b.onclick = null;

/* 侧边目录滚动激活 */
contentActiveListen = function() {
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        offset: top_offset, // 偏置80,防止遮挡
    $(window).scroll(function() {
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contentScroll = function() {
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msgDot = function(){
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/* 侧边目录 */
setSideContent = function() {
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/* 评论区 */
setCommet = function() {
    $(document).ajaxComplete(function(event, xhr, option) {
        if (option.url.indexOf("GetComments") > -1) {
            setTimeout(function() {
                // 表情包

                // 头像
                $.each($(".feedbackItem"), function(index, ele) {
                    var self = $(ele);
                    var obj = self.find(".blog_comment_body");
                    var id = obj.attr("id").split("_")[2];
                    var blog = self.find('a[id^="a_comment_author"]');
                    var blogUrl = blog.attr("href");
                    var imgSrc =
                        $("#comment_" + id + "_avatar").html() ||
                        '<a class="comment_avatar_container" href="' +
                        blogUrl +
                        '"><img src="' +
                        imgSrc +
                        '" style="float:left;" class="comment_avatar"></a'

                // 代码复制
                //codeCopy($("#blog-comments-placeholder pre"));
                // 图片查看器
                // fancyBox($(".blog_comment_body img"), "comment");
            }, 300);
posted @ 2023-08-13 19:37  MonoiF  阅读(35)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报