0921-----In class to practive-----enlish starts


 1 //client class
 2 public class Text1{
 3     //main function
 4     public static void main(String args[]){
 5         Robot r1=new Robot(){
 6             public void run(){
 7                 System.out.println("I can running too.");
 8             }
 9             public void jump(){
10                 System.out.println("I can jumpping too.");
11             }
12         };
13         r1.run();
14         r1.jump();
15         Robot r2=new T200();
16         r2.jump();
17         r2.run();
18         r2.listen();
20         //comments implements
21         // Runnable implements one
22         Runnable r11=new Runnable(){
23             public void run(){
24                 System.out.println("I am java 7!");
25             }
26         };
27         r11.run();
29         //java 8 implements
30         // Runnable implements two
31         Runnable r22=()->System.out.println("I am java 8!");
32         r22.run();
34         //java 8 implements
35         ICpu cpu=(String str)->System.out.println(str);
36         cpu.start("Cpu is starting working!");
37     }
38 }
39 //Robot class
40 //if the class has an abstract function , then the class must be an abstract class
41 //the abstract class must not be hasing an abstract function
42 abstract class Robot{
43     //listenning
44     public void listen(){
45         System.out.println("I can listenning.");
46     }
47     //speaking
48     public void speak(){
49         System.out.println("I can speaking.");
50     }
51     //running
52     //abstract function
53     public abstract void run();
54     //jumpping
55     //abstract function
56     public abstract void jump();
57 }
58 //T100 extends Robot
59 abstract class T100 extends Robot{
60     public void run(){
61         System.out.println("I can running.");
62     }
63     public abstract void jump();
64 }
65 //T200 extends Robot
66 class T200 extends T100{
67     public void jump(){
68         System.out.println("I can jumpping.");
69     }
70 }
71 //interface example
72 interface ICpu{
73     //const only
74     //abstract function only
75     //the default modifier is public and abstract
76     double PI=3.1415927;
77     void start(String str);
78 }


posted @ 2016-09-21 15:55  火山林风  阅读(200)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报