
 我 : 今天才发现机器上的IIS莫名奇妙的坏了, 懒的去弄他, 于是打起ASP.NET Development Server的主意.
上网一搜就找到了, 可惜的是不能给别的机器访问.一时心血来潮, 仿造闪存, 自己也搞个E心情.
呵呵, 用E文来表达心情, 很傻很无聊. 表情用到园子里的Jackei (http://jackei.cnblogs.com/)的一组表情,
因为我觉得蛮不错的, 只是我自己用来玩玩, 希望他不介意.

 小E : Today found that the machines IIS inexplicable wonderful bad, lazy the Qulong he was hoist ASP.NET Development Server idea. br Find one found on the Internet, it is a pity that not to other machines. 1:00 whim, copy flash themselves Gaoge E mood. br Oh, the E used to express feelings, stupid very boring. Expressions used the garden yard Jackei (http:jackei.cnblogs.com), a group of facial expressions, br Because I think quite good, but I used to play, I hope he does not mind.

posted on 2008-03-06 23:23  随风  阅读(239)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报