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楓書坊文化最近出版了一套有趣的英语书《看圖學英語》。原著为English through pictures,是很老、很著名的英语教材,主要是通过图片辅助学习英语(右脑学习,脱离母语束缚)。国内上海科技出版过简体中文版,现在绝版了,所以选择了楓書坊的台版。拿到书后比较失望,却领悟了一个道理,就是中国人做事马虎是个传统。就像古文中的很多错别字(学名通假字)一样,这本基本上是翻印的英语书里面有不少低级错误。






附录BOOK 1的一些错误



p7 图1

误: It is here

正: It is there



P12 图4

误: Her hat is on her hand.

正: Her hat is in her hand.



P17 图1

误: There are hats.

正: These are hats.



P37 图2

误: They are people. You are a people.

正: They are people(persons). You are a person.



P42 图1

误: There are my eyes.

正: These are my eyes.



P31 a

誤: What is this?

正: What is this? It is a




誤: it was between the other two books before I took it form the shelf?

正: it was between the other two books before I took it from the shelf?




誤: …are parts of body?

正: …are parts of a dog?




誤: What dose she see?

正: What does she see?




誤: Ice is clod.

正: Ice is cold.




誤: Clod air.  圖片中的英文

正: Cold air.



P127 圖3

誤: He is here 手寫體

正: He is there



P127 圖4

誤: He is there.  She is there.

正: He is here.  I am here.




posted on 2010-11-09 14:03  janyou  阅读(393)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报