

文件名为: sh12.sh 

# redirecting all output to a file
exec 1>testout

echo "This is a test of redirecting all output"
echo "from a script to another file."
echo "without haviing to redirect every individual line"


运行 sh sh12.sh ,你会发现没输出任何东西,然后查看testout文件, cat testout 


This is a test of redirecting all output
from a script to another file.
without haviing to redirect every individual line


文件名 sh13.sh 

# redirecting output to different locations

exec 2>testerror

echo "This is the start of the script"
echo "now reidirecting all output to another location"

exec 1>testout

echo "This output should go to the testout testout file"
echo "but this should go to the testerror file" >&2

运行 sh sh13.sh 


This is the start of the script
now reidirecting all output to another location

查看testout文件的内容 cat testout 

输出: This output should go to the testout testout file 

查看testerror文件的内容 cat testrror 

输出: but this should go to the testerror file 

posted @ 2015-09-08 13:47  todaytoday  阅读(251)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报