ASP.NET – The HTTP verb POST used to access path … is not allowed

ASP.NET – The HTTP verb POST used to access path … is not allowed

Here’s my contribution to the search engine troubleshooter’s knowledge base.

I was trying to fire up an ASP.NET web service (.asmx) on my development machine after several months of not using it. I was getting the error:

“The HTTP verb POST used to access path ‘[my web service's URL]‘ is not allowed”.

I eliminated the problem by removing the mapping of ‘*’ to aspnet_isapi.dll in my IIS settings. I had introduced this while experimenting with URL Rewriting and Castle MonoRail.

Hope that helps someone! 

posted on 2011-01-26 17:34  blair0807  阅读(944)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报