Spring配置错误 No adapter for IAdvice of type

参考:http://www.2cto.com/kf/201305/211728.html 错误十三



Error creating context 'spring.root': No adapter for IAdvice of type [Test.JointVenture.Interceptor.LoggingInterceptor].

   InnerException:{"Unknown advisor type 'Test.JointVenture.Interceptor.LoggingInterceptor'; Can only include Advisor or Advice type beans in interceptorNames chain except for last entry,which may also be target or TargetSource"}

知道是配置advice的位置有问题但是就是不知道哪里有问题,看了上面的地址的配置才明白忘了继承 IMethodInterceptor 接口了,以前配置的都是正确的所以木有什么问题,


posted @ 2013-08-27 14:37  huhaochuang  阅读(702)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报