It's not publicly known who the kidnappers were.

Because they are not eating such lovely food since they left home.

Drafts leaked to the Greek media suggest the proposals broadly fall into 3 categories.

President Obama says Sony made a mistake by canceling the release of a film mocking the North Korea leader Kim Jong-un after a cyber attack on its computer systems.

Mr. Obama said cutting off funding would have a direct impact on national security and the economy as most employees would not be paid.

The red sea crossing between the Horn of Africa and Yemen is one of the world's great migration routes.

A North Korean diplomat of the United Nations said his country had nothing to do with the cyber attack.

The jury in New York said the Palestinians should pay more than 200 million dollars for 6 shootings and bombings that killed 33 people and wounded hundreds more.

So you can begin to understand the complexity of our cuisine. And there's just great variety.

Many fear the fighting is now spreading to this strategic city, which is just a half hour's drive from the Russian border.

The Italian Football Federation postponed the match between Parma FC and Udinese as Parma couldn't afford to pay stewards or security costs.
He runs two restaurants and has written a cookbook.
There are reports the target may have been stockpiles of sophisticated Russian-built anti-aircraft missiles.

They have a very acute sense of smell and can sense the presence of food long before they can see it.

The Senate is due to vote again on Monday in an attempt to break the log jam.

A witness told the BBC he counted 7 bodies and that others had already been taken away to mortuaries.

The 3D printer was installed on the space station in November.

Two people have been killed by an explosion at a rally in Ukraine's second-biggest city Kharkiv.

Witnesses in northeastern Nigerian town of Potiskum say a bomb strapped to a young girl has exploded outside a market.

For many years, the tallest building in London was St Paul's Cathedral.