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VMware ESXI5.5 Memories limits resolved soluation.

在使用VMware ESXI5.5 的时候提示内存限制了,在网上找的了解决方案:


1. Boot from VMware ESXi 5.5;

2. wait "Welcome to theVMware ESXi 5.5.0 Installation" screen:

VMware ESXI5.5 Memories limits  resolved soluation. - my_cool2007 - my_cool2007的博客

3. Press Alt+F1 for enter console and login as 'root' (no password needed);

4. go to: 

                cd /usr/lib/vmware/weasel/util/

    delete? file:

                rm upgrade_precheck.pyc;

5. remove readonly flags;

                mv upgrade_precheck.py upgrade_precheck.py.def

                cp upgrade_precheck.py.def upgrade_precheck.py?

6. set permissions:

                chmod 755 upgrade_precheck.py

7. open script in 'vi':

                vi upgrade_precheck.py

8. find "MEM_MIN_SIZE", pres "a" (edit mode. "(4 * 1024 - 32)" change to "(2 * 1024 - 32)", pres 'ESC', run command ":wq" (save & exit);

9. look installer PID:

                ps -c | grep weasel

10. kill installer (PID = process Nr.):

                kill PID

Installer process run automatically (with modified config script).

Continue from "Welcome to theVMware ESXi 5.5.0 Installation"

posted @ 2016-01-30 22:34  my_cool2007  阅读(255)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报