
drop database myschool

create database MySchool
log on
--alter database

--drop table [table]

use MySchool
create table [Class]
    [cId] int identity(1,1) primary key,
    [cName] nvarchar(10) not null,
    [cDescription] nvarchar(200)

create table [Student]
    [sId] int identity(1,1)primary key,
    [sName] nvarchar(10) not null,
    [sAge] int null,
    [sNo] decimal(18,0),
    [sBirthday] datetime,
    [sClassId] int not null
--修改表 增加列
alter table [Student]
add sSex nchar(1) 


insert into [Class]([cName],[cDescription]) values('高一一班','快班')

insert [Class] values('高一二班','中班')

insert into [Class]([cName])values('高一三班')

select *from student

insert into [Student](sSex, sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId)
insert into [Student](sSex, sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId)
insert into [Student](sSex, sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId)

update student set sSex=''
update student set sSex='',sAge=20

update student set sClassId=3 where sName='王五'

update student set sclassid=10 where sAge=50 or (sage>=19 and sage<=20)

update student set sage=sage+1 

select *from score

update score set english =english/2
delete from student

delete from student where sName='张飞'
truncate table student

insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高一一班','快班')
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高一二班','中班')
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高一三班','慢班')
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高二一班','快班')
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高二二班','中班')
insert into Class (cName,cDescription) values ('高二三班','慢班')

insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday) values (1,'刘备',20,'',123456789012345678,'1987-5-6')
insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday) values (1,'关羽',19,'',123456789012345671,'1988-8-6')
insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday) values (1,'张飞',18,'',123456789012345672,'1989-5-19')
insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday) values (4,'曹操',22,'',123456789012345673,'1985-12-6')
insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday) values (4,'夏侯惇',22,'',123456789012345674,'1985-3-6')
insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday) values (4,'华佗',50,'',12345678901234565,'1957-1-16')
insert into Student (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday) values (4,'甄姬',18,'',12345678901234565,'1989-8-8')

insert into Score (studentId,english) values(1,90)
insert into Score (studentId,english) values(2,90)
insert into Score (studentId,english) values(3,59)
insert into Score (studentId,english) values(4,100)
insert into Score (studentId,english) values(5,60)
insert into Score (studentId,english) values(6,0)
insert into Score (studentId,english) values(7,80)

select *from student

create table [Score]
    studentId int not null primary key,
    english float

alter table score 
add math float null

alter table score 
add sId int identity(1,1) primary key

Declare @Pk varChar(100);
Select @Pk=Name from sysobjects where Parent_Obj=OBJECT_ID('Score') and xtype='PK';
if @Pk is not null
exec('Alter table Score Drop '+ @Pk)

update score set english=english+10 
where studentId=(select sId from Student where sName='刘备') 

select *from score

update score set english=english+5 
update student set sage=sage-1 where sSex=''
select *from student



select *from student
select sId, sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sInTeam from student
select sname from student

select sname as '姓名' ,sSex as '性别' from student
select sname '姓名' ,sSex '性别' from student
select '姓名'=sname ,'性别'=sSex from student

select sname as '姓名' ,sSex as '性别' ,sAge as '年龄'
from student where sSex=''

select sname as '姓名' ,ssex as '性别',sage as '年龄' 
from student where sage>20

select 2*3
select getdate()

--Top Distinct
select top 2 * from student
order by sage

select top 10 percent  * from student 

select *from student where sname='张飞'
select distinct sname from student
select distinct sName,sAge,sSex from student
select *from student

--聚合函数max min avg sum count

select max(english) from score
select min(english) from score
select avg(english) from score

select max(english),min(english),avg(english)from score

select sum(english)/count(*)from score

select sum(english) from score
select count(*)from student
select count(sName)from student

select studentid from score where english>60
select studentId,sname,english from score, student where (student.sid=score.studentid) and english>60
select english from score where studentid=7
select sname from student where sid=7 
select *from student

--between..... and .....
select sAge,sSex,sName from student
where sAge between 20 and 30 and sSex=''

select *from student 
where sBirthday between '1987-01-01' and '1989-12-12'

select *from student
where sClassId=1 or sClassId=3 or sClassId=4

select *from student 
where sClassId in(1,2,3,4)

select left('123',1)
select *from student where left(sName,1)=''
select *from student where sName like '%亮%'
select *from student where sName like '张_'
select *from student where sName like '张__'
select *from student where sName like '张[飞亮]'

alter table student
add sPhone nchar(6)

alter table student 
add constraint CK_Student_sPhone check (sPhone like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]')

insert into student  (sClassId,sName,sAge,sSex,sNo,sBirthday,sPhone) values (1,'刘备',20,'',123456789042345678,'1987-5-6',123)
delete from student where sNo=123456789042345678 

select null+123
select *from student where sPhone is null
select *from score where english is null
select *from score where english is not null

--order by 放最后面 默认是asc 
 select top 2 *from student 
 order by sName
select *from student order by sAge desc

--english 成绩相同时,按math的降序来排列
select *from score order by english ,math desc

select *from student where sSex='' order by sAge desc

--group by 
select count(*) ,sClassid from student 
group by sClassid

select count(*) as '个数' ,sClassId from student 
where sSex=''
group by sClassId 

select count(*), sClassId ,avg(sage) from student 
group by sClassId
having avg(sAge)>24

select sclassId as '班级' ,count(*)as '人数' from student 
group by sClassId
having count(*)>5

select sSex, count(*) from student 
group by ssex


select sClassId, count(sSex) from (select *from student where sSex='')as a
group by sclassid 

select sclassid,count(*)from student 
where sSex=''
group by sclassid

select sClassId, avg(sage) from (select *from student where sSex='')as a
group by sclassid 

select sclassid ,avg(sage)from student 
where ssex=''
group by sclassid

select sclassid ,avg(sage) from student
group by sclassid
having avg(sage)<24

--union  合并两个查询结果集
select sName,sSex from student union
select tName,tsex from teacher

select sName ,sSex,sClassId from student union
select tName,tsex, -1 from teacher

--union all 做报表

select sName,sSex from student union all
select tName,tsex from teacher

select min(english) as '最低成绩',max(english)as '最高成绩',avg(english)as '平均成绩' from score
select '最低成绩', min(english) from score union all
select '最高成绩', max(english) from score union all
select '平均成绩', avg(english) from score

select tName,tSalary from teacher union all
select '平均工资',avg(tsalary) from teacher union all
select '最高工资',max(tsalary) from teacher

insert into Score(studentId,english,math)
select 1,80,100 union
select 2,60,80 union
select 3,50,59 union
select 4,66,89 union
select 5,59,100 

select *into newStudent from student

-- 把现有表中的数据复制到一个已存在的表

insert into newStudent select sName, sAge, sNo, sBirthday, sClassId, sSex, sInTeam, sPhone from student


select len('123')
 select len(sName) as '姓名字数' ,sname from student
select lower('safFG')
select upper('asdf23')

select '   abc   '
select ltrim('   abc    ')
select rtrim('   abc    ')+'123'
select ltrim(rtrim('     abc         '))

select left('张三',1)
select right('ip12325446',len('ip12325446')-2)

select substring('ip12325446',1,2)

select distinct left(sName,1)from student

select getdate()

select dateadd(day,3,getdate())
select dateadd(month,-1,getdate())
select dateadd(year,1,getdate())
select dateadd(quarter ,1,getdate())
select dateadd(week,1,getdate())

select year(getdate())
select month(getdate())
select day(getdate())

select *from xsjl
where month(xsjl.date)=month(getdate()) and year(getdate())=year(xsjl.date)

select datediff(day,getdate(),'2012-12-24')
select datediff(second,getdate(),'2012-12-24')
select datediff()

select year(sbirthday) as '年份' ,count(*)as '人数' from student 
group by year(sbirthday) 

select datediff(year,sbirthday,getdate()),count(*) from student 
group by datediff(year,sbirthday,getdate())

select datename(year,getdate())--字符串
select datepart(year,getdate())--整数
select datename(dayofyear,getdate())
select datename(week,getdate())

select datename(weekday,getdate())
select datepart(weekday,getdate()) 


select cast(30.56 as varchar(5))

select cast(right(sno,3)as int) from student
select right(sno,3) from student

select cast(45465.123 as decimal(10,2))
select cast(avg(english)  as decimal(10,2)) from score

select cast(89.6 as int)
select cast(round(89.6,0) as int)

select convert(int ,89.4645)

select convert(decimal(10,2),avg(english)) from score

select convert (varchar(30), getdate(),21)
select convert (varchar(30), getdate(),20)
select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),20)
select convert(varchar(10),getdate(),108)

select avg(english) from score

select sum(english)/count(sId) from score
select cast(avg(isnull(english,0)) as decimal(10,2)) from score


posted on 2012-12-14 23:19  何金洋  阅读(263)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报