Sentinel® LDK Envelope - Protecting Java Applications that Use Reflection: Readme

This document describes using Sentinel LDK Envelope to protect a Java application that uses reflection.


Sentinel LDK Envelope makes use of reflection. Therefore, there is a limitation on protecting Java applications that use reflection APIs, such as applications using the Spring Framework.

However, these applications can be protected using a combination of Sentinel LDK Envelope and Sentinel LDK Data Protection (dfcrypt) utility.

Use the dfcrypt utility with the Version 2 data protection mode to protect Java class files. The encrypted class files can be decrypted at runtime by a DLL or shared object (Linux) that has been protected with Envelope with Data File Protection Version 2 enabled.

This process can be performed on a Windows or Linux platform.

    • To see how to protect the Java application under Linux, see the appendix in Sentinel LDK Envelope for Linux - User Guide.


  • To see how to protect the Java application under Windows, see the topic "Protecting Java Applications that Use Reflection" in the online help for Sentinel LDK Envelope on a Windows machine.


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posted on 2021-02-20 14:31  hasp  阅读(327)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报