spark streaming限制吞吐


Maximum rate (number of records per second) at which each receiver will receive data. Effectively, each stream will consume at most this number of records per second. Setting this configuration to 0 or a negative number will put no limit on the rate. See the deployment guide in the Spark Streaming programing guide for mode details.





Maximum rate (number of records per second) at which data will be read from each Kafka partition when using the new Kafka direct stream API. See the Kafka Integration guide for more details.


现在还搞不清楚这两个的关联。  这个需要去研究源代码。 猜想spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate是限制除kafka以外的吞吐,而spark.streaming.kafka.macRatePerPartition的吞吐。

posted @ 2015-05-19 10:50  HarkLee  阅读(4273)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报