Python 小程序练习

1. 假如有100美分,兑换成任意一组硬币的所有唯一方式。

# 输出 Python 的每个字母
import _thread
from time import sleep,ctime
def squares(n=10):
    for i in range(1,n+1):
        print('Generating squares from 1 to %d' %(n**2))
        yield i ** 2
def make_change(amount,coins=[1,5,10,25],hand=None):
    hand = [] if hand is None else hand
    if amount == 0:
        yield hand
    for coin in coins:
        if coin > amount or (len(hand)> 0 and hand[-1]<coin):
        for result in make_change(amount - coin,coins=coins,
                                  hand=hand+ [coin]):
            yield result

def main():
    for way in make_change(100,coins=[10,25,50]):
if __name__ == '__main__':


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