开源项目 04 PdfSharp



using PdfSharp.Drawing;
using PdfSharp.Pdf;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp2.test1
    public class Class4

        public void test1()
            // Create a new PDF document
            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
            document.Info.Title = "Created with PDFsharp";

            // Create an empty page
            PdfPage page = document.AddPage();

            // Get an XGraphics object for drawing
            XGraphics gfx = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(page);

            // Create a font
            XFont font = new XFont("Verdana", 20, XFontStyle.BoldItalic);

            // Draw the text
            gfx.DrawString("Hello, World!", font, XBrushes.Black,
              new XRect(0, 0, page.Width, page.Height),

            // Save the document...
            const string filename = "HelloWorld.pdf";

            // ...and start a viewer.



posted @ 2019-07-16 15:18  古兴越  阅读(195)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报