关于 ServiceStack.Redis 4.0 License



The free-quota limit on '6000 Redis requests per hour' has been reached. Please see https://servicestack.net to upgrade to a commercial license.

查看官方说明,在 https://servicestack.net/download 页面的最下方。

Free Quotas

Whilst ServiceStack v4 is a commercially-supported product, we also allow free usage for small projects and evaluation purposes. 
The NuGet packages above include the quota's below which can be unlocked with a license key:

  • 10 Operations in ServiceStack (i.e. Request DTOs)
  • 10 Tables in OrmLite
  • 20 Different Types in JSON, JSV and CSV Serializers *
  • 20 Different Types in Redis Client Typed APIs
  • 6000 requests per hour with the Redis Client
* These quotas are lifted in ServiceStack.Client generic service clients allowing un-restricted access when consuming ServiceStack services.
ServiceStack 4.0 开始已经成为商业产品,不在完全免费,不过突然来这么一下真是措手不及。
推荐大家一个Redis Http API 组件,https://code.google.com/p/redbridge/ 。
posted @ 2014-01-16 23:09  Geek Coffee  阅读(7127)  评论(6编辑  收藏  举报