It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you

Brick walls are there for a reason :they let us prove how badly we want things

单向链表 golang

package main

import "fmt"

type Object interface {}

type Node struct {
	data Object
    next *Node
type List struct {
	head *Node
	tail *Node
	size uint64

func(list *List) Init(){
	(*list).size = 0    // 此时链表是空的
	(*list).head = nil  // 没有头
	(*list).tail = nil  // 没有尾

func (list *List) Append(node *Node) bool {
	if node == nil {
		return false

	(*node).next = nil
	// 将新元素放入单链表中
	if (*list).size == 0 {
		(*list).head = node
	} else {
		oldTail := (*list).tail
		(*oldTail).next = node

	// 调整尾部位置,及链表元素数量
	(*list).tail = node // node成为新的尾部
	(*list).size++      // 元素数量增加

	return true
func (list *List) Insert(i uint64,node *Node) bool {
	// 空的节点、索引超出范围和空链表都无法做插入操作
	if node == nil || i > (*list).size || (*list).size == 0 {
		return false

	if i == 0 { // 直接排第一,也就领导小舅子才可以
		(*node).next = (*list).head
		(*list).head = node
	} else {
		// 找到前一个元素
		preItem := (*list).head
		for j := 1 ; uint64(j) < i; j++ { // 数前面i个元素
			preItem = (*preItem).next
		// 原来元素放到新元素后面,新元素放到前一个元素后面
		(*node).next = (*preItem).next
		(*preItem).next = preItem


	return true

func (list *List) Remove(i uint64, node *Node) bool {
	if i >= (*list).size {
		return false

	if i == 0 { // 删除头部
		node = (*list).head
		(*list).head = (*node).next
		if (*list).size == 1 { // 如果只有一个元素,那尾部也要调整
			(*list).tail = nil
	} else {
		preItem := (*list).head
		for  j  := 1; uint64(j) < i; j++ {
			preItem = (*preItem).next

		node = (*preItem).next
		(*preItem).next = (*node).next

		if i == ((*list).size - 1) { // 若删除的尾部,尾部指针需要调整
			(*list).tail = preItem
	return true
func (list *List) Get(i uint64) *Node {
	if i >= (*list).size {
		return nil

	item := (*list).head
	for j := 0; uint64(j) < i ; j++ {    // 从head数i个
		item = (*item).next

	return item
func main(){
	var list= List{}
	for i:=1;i<100 ;i++  {
		var node=Node{data:i}
	var node=list.Get(35)
    fmt.Printf("当前节点位置:%+q \n,数据:%d \n",node,
    var deleteNode=&Node{}
   var result=list.Remove(35,deleteNode)
   fmt.Printf("删除是否成功%+q \n",result)

	var node2=list.Get(35)
	fmt.Printf("当前节点位置:%+q \n,数据:%d \n",node2,


posted @ 2018-01-17 15:56  gbat  阅读(866)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

It's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you

Brick walls are there for a reason :they let us prove how badly we want things