



  • "~{templatename::selector}" Includes the fragment resulting from applying the specified Markup Selector on the template named templatename. Note that selector can be a mere fragment name, so you could specify something as simple as ~{templatename::fragmentname} like in the ~{footer :: copy} above.
  • "~{templatename}" Includes the complete template named templatename.
  • ~{::selector}" or "~{this::selector}" Inserts a fragment from the same template, matching selector. If not found on the template where the expression appears, the stack of template calls (insertions) is traversed towards the originally processed template (the root), until selector matches at some level. (这里的this一看就明白了嘛,原来是取当前这个html里面的内容)

templatename: 模板名,Thymeleaf会根据模版名解析完整路径:/resources/templates/templatename.html,要注意文件的路径。

fragmentname: 片段名,Thymeleaf通过th:fragment声明定义代码块,即:th:fragment="fragmentname"

selector: 选择器,可以选择html的标签和类等

注:"::" 表示取出模板中的代码块片段



templatename.html --> _fragments.html

<footer th:fragment="footer" class="ui inverted vertical segment m-padded-tb-massive">
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    <footer th:replace="_fragments :: footer" class="ui inverted vertical segment m-padded-tb-massive">
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<nav th:fragment="menu(n)" class="ui inverted attached segment m-padded-tb-mini m-shadow-small">
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<nav th:replace="_fragments :: menu(1)" class="ui inverted attached segment m-padded-tb-mini m-shadow-small">
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<head th:fragment="head(title)">
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    <title th:replace="${title}">首页</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
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<head th:replace="_fragments :: head(~{::title})">
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参考: (官方文档)

posted @ 2020-09-02 19:36  模糊计算士  阅读(863)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报