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about ARPACK++ installing

first reference to

1.apt-get install libarpack2-dev (gfortran已安装)

注意:不安装libsuperlu3-dev, because it will hapen "segment fault", such like running arpack++.examples.nonsym.lnsymgsh although they can be compiled successfully.

Because ARPACK++ only support superlu 2.0.

2. compile superlu 2.0

download superlu 2.0 source code.

Because my system is ubuntu, so I have to modify of superlu.Because I already install blas library , so as README says, set BLASDEF = -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS BLASLIB = <your blas path>.

PLAT = LINUX          CFLAGS = -02 -g(just simple setting, you can search CFLAGS information or refer, you can set more, then make superlu better work)

3. install ARPACK++

download arpack++ 1.2 (beta version) at and the patch for arpac++ 1.2 at in the same directory

open with an editor the patch file arpack++1.2.patch.diff

gedit arpack++1.2.patch.diff

and change the (should be 9362th) line



+FORTRAN_LIBS = -lgfortran -lgfortranbegin -lnsl

then untar arpack++

tar -zxvf arpack++.tar.gz

and check that it is version 1.2 with the command

head -1 arpack++/README

that should return the string

ARPACK++ version 1.2. Feb 20, 2000.

now apply the patch

cp arpack++1.2.patch.diff arpack++/cd arpack++patch -p 1 < arpack++1.2.patch.diff

Compiling with ARPACK++

at this point arpack++ should be working: as it is only a c++ interface to arpack, there are no libraries but only header files to be included into your c++ code; therefore you need to compile with

-I $whereisarpack/arpack++/include

where you should substitute to $whereisarpack the place where arpack++.tar.gz has been untarred

4. test

cd $whereisarpack/arpack++/examples/superlu/sym

(note: you must modify of arpack++: link your supelu 2.0 library)

posted @ 2010-03-09 22:47  europelee  阅读(634)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报