ASP.NET and Python/Javascript

Many jQuery plugins that are designed and shared for free on the internet. By searching on Baidu with jQuery and jQuery zhijia we can find a lot of useful things for our own projects. Today I find a star-rating plugin, which is almost available by direct copy from sources.


About The Storage Technologies:

There are two kinds of storages which differs in storage environment. One is Direct Attached Storage, the other is Network Storage, which is divided into two kinds: Storage Area Network and Network Attached Storage.


Javascript and Python: a big door to open up.

Javascript and Python are both script languages, (I think). In python, the = is of an assigning functionality; == is used for judging if two operands are equal to each other(Equality); === is used for judging if two operands are identical to each other(Equivalent). How to see the keywords reserved for python which can’t be used as variable names: use import keyword (Enter) print(kwword.list); quite a few datatypes are there in python: (here we only discuss about python 3.x) number types are int and float, string types are str, byte and unicode, collection types are tuple and list. About number, there are a few built-in constants, like Number.MAX_VALUE, INFINITY, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; NaN stands for Not a Number, and there are: Number.NaN() function used for judging whether an operand is a number type or not; null is nothing but an object in python.

About MySQL

I have researched a lot on this, however hadn't made a record in time. Below are what I got today:

[mysqld remove]: used to remove mysql service, after doing this, remove the data folder under installation path .

[mysqld install]: used to install mysql service, before this the data folder under installation path.

[mysqld --initialize -insecure]: used to set null password for root user

[mysqld --skip-grant-table]: used to skip the examine by mysql login system

[net start mysql]: used to start mysql service, if it returns Access Denied, ErrNo:5, it means a higher privileged user, like Administrator is required to do this.

[net stop mysql]: like one above.

[mysql -uroot -p]: for login

[mysql -uwqf -p]: for login

[create user 'USERNAME' identified by 'PASSWORD']: create user for a certain database, in this written case, no privilege is granted to 'USERNAME'.

[flush privileges]: used to see new privileges after a change.

 Conclusion: MySQL Workbench is the software that has been long existing in my computer, installed by myself, today went wrong when inserting a certin Chinese character into a table. First I used show variables like '%char%' to see the character set of each database, after I changed them separately into utf8, which worked on terminal however not on workbench, so I went to re-install the mysql service, changed the my-default.ini file, however this time it worked only when you set the character set to gbk(I have tried utf8, failed), so I used gbk instead of utf8. Fortunately, gbk supports both English and Chinese.