

  • 匹配的部分,命名为 Interface Interior Zone,表示允许流体通过
  • 不匹配的部分,命名为 Boundary Zone 1-non-overlapping 与 Boundary Zone 2-non-overlapping


  • 匹配的部分,命名为 Interface Wall Zone 1 与 Interface Wall Zone 2,并会同时创建shadow zone
  • 不匹配的部分,命名为 Boundary Zone 1-non-overlapping 与 Boundary Zone 2-non-overlapping

-- 节选自Fluent论坛

When creating a mesh interface between 2 zones, Fluent will look at what are the overlapping and non-overlapping sections between the different sides of the interface.

If the interface connects different fluid zones, the following boundary zones will be created :
-Interface Interior Zone : this corresponds to the overlapping section through which will go the fluid flow
-Boundary Zone 1 and Boundary Zone 2 : those correspond to the non-overlapping sections for each of the connected zones

If the interface connects different solid zones (Coupled Wall), the following boundary zones will be created :
-Interface Wall Zone 1 and Interface Wall Zone 2 : this corresponds to the overlapping section, through which will occur the heat transfer, split into a wall and a wall shadow, for each of the connected zones.
-Boundary Zone 1 and Boundary Zone 2 : those correspond to the non-overlapping sections for each of the connected zones

For additional information, the interface creation procedure for non-conformal meshes is fully described in the section “Non-Conformal Meshes” of Fluent User Guide.