A GAE based blog, Micolog 7.412 with Django 1.2 enable
I would like to thank XuMing and his Micolog, it’s very small blog program on GAE but functional is quite complete. Micolog is a good reference source code if you are newly to Google App Engine. There is also someone who write a article about how to upgrade the exist Micolog from Django 0.96 to Django 1.2, the article is download is broken and still have some problem about template safe notation modify here and there.
So I would like to contribute a modified version of Micolog v7.412 source code, which I spend quite several days to debug and merge the change both in the new github.com and old SVN on Google Code code repository, I also change/enhanced the feature as below:
- Update tinymce editor to version 3.9.4
- Fix IE6 can not comment bug
- Fix sys_plugin can no load error
- Minor change Pixel theme css
- Add IE9 pin site feature in Pixel
- Do some python code standard layout and import optimize
- Allow suppress logo and other not needed copyright in admin page
- Fix email notify in sys_plugin after upgrade to 1.2
- Add replay via comments
- New paging facility
The source code is also used in this blog and seems quite stable and I hope you will like it.