Oracle 拆分列为多行 Splitting string into multiple rows in Oracle


The table is as follows:

Name | Project | Error 
108    test      Err1, Err2, Err3
109    test2     Err1

I want to create the following:

Name | Project | Error
108    Test      Err1
108    Test      Err2 
108    Test      Err3 
109    Test2     Err1


Solution 1

This may be an improved way (also with regexp and connect by):

with temp as
    select 108 Name, 'test' Project, 'Err1, Err2, Err3' Error  from dual
    union all
    select 109, 'test2', 'Err1' from dual
select distinct, t.project,
  trim(regexp_substr(t.error, '[^,]+', 1, levels.column_value))  as error
  temp t,
  table(cast(multiset(select level from dual connect by  level <= length (regexp_replace(t.error, '[^,]+'))  + 1) as sys.OdciNumberList)) levels
order by name

Solution 2

with temp as  (
       select 108 Name, 'test' Project, 'Err1, Err2, Err3' Error  from dual
       union all
       select 109, 'test2', 'Err1' from dual

SELECT distinct Name, Project, trim(regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level)) str
  FROM (SELECT Name, Project, Error str FROM temp) t
CONNECT BY instr(str, ',', 1, level - 1) > 0
order by Name




posted @ 2019-09-03 17:39  emanlee  阅读(1753)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报