[Artificial Intelligence] {ud954} Lesson 10: 10. Planning under Uncertainty





Robot Tour Guide Examples 






 MDP Grid World





Problems With Conventional Planning 


For this problem (and only this problem) assume actions are stochastic in a way that is different than described in 4. MDP Gridworld.

Instead of an action north possibly going east or west, an action north will possibly go northeast or northwest (i.e. to the diagonal squares).

Likewise for the other directions e.g. an action west will possibly go west, northwest or southwest (i.e. to the diagonals).


Stochastic actions are as in 4. MDP Grid World.

An action North moves North with 80% chance otherwise East with 10% chance or West with 10% chance. Likewise for the other directions.




 MDP And Costs




Value Iteration





Value Iterations And Policy 




MDP Conclusion 








go south first to read the sign





Readings on Planning under Uncertainty

AIMA: Chapter 17

Further Study

Charles Isbell and Michael Littmann’s ML course:

Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun’s AI course:






posted @ 2019-06-07 05:48  ecoflex  阅读(201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报