[Computer Networking] {CMU14-740} Lecture 5: The Application Layer -- HTTP


We begin our examination of the application layer with one of the most ubiquitous application protocols: the Hypertext Transport Protocol. We will tear into the protocol's formats, the sequence of message transmissions, the different connection methods and lots of use case information.


Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to:

  • describe the mission, scope, addressing mechanism and data types of the Application Layer.
  • explain the HTTP protocol, including message format, interaction model and connection management.
  • calculate response time for an HTTP request over nonpersistent, parallel or persistent connections, including the pipelined variant.
  • describe how web proxies work to cache HTTP responses, including how they ensure consistency.


  • KR Ch 2.1 - 2.2










transport layer -> TCP or UDP







UDP => directly send message

TCP => demand stability























 BNF => formal mechanism describe how the bit should be



CRLF => end of the line





SP => space









connection close => fetching data finished






















Nonpersistent => primitive version => inefficient








What if by parallel??


eg. require four pictures => 4 pictures loading at the sam time => feel faster but actually slower

another issue with parallel TCP request:



 Better solution: keep the TCP connection open









proxy server saves cache for faster website visiting

classic caching problem: lead to consistency problem => how do you know there's no change in the remote server?




















posted @ 2019-06-02 11:53  ecoflex  阅读(141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报