
Maven + Apache Felix + CXF + DOSGi series

Posted on 2014-03-17 15:02  eastson  阅读(343)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报

This is a blog series on how to combine Maven + Apache Felix + CXF + DOSGi. The information presented may not be correct and some parts can definitely be improved. Not all posts are published immediately, so stay tuned!

Part 1 Maven + Apache Felix: Easy Development and Debugging With Eclipse
Part 2 Maven + Apache Felix: Best Practices
Part 3 Maven + Apache Felix + CXF: Creating a RESTful Webservice with CXF. A Simple String Example.
Part 4 Maven + Apache Felix + CXF: Creating a RESTful Webservice with CXF. Returning and Object.
Part 5 Maven + Apache Felix + CXF: Creating a RESTful Webservice with CXF. Consuming an Object
Part 6 CXF RESTful Webservices: Running on a Different Port
Part 7 Maven + Apache Felix + CXF: RESTful Webservice with CXF. Using POST.
Part 8 Maven + Apache Felix + CXF: Securing a Service with HTTP Basic Authentication
Part 9 Maven + Apache Felix: Strategy to Handle non-OSGi Dependencies
Part 10 Apache Felix: Running Two Instances of Felix Launcher in The Eclipse
Part 11 Maven + Apache Felix + CXF + DOSGi: An Example of DOSGi Service