

后来在Matthew O'Riordan的Blog上发现一个很好用的正则表达式,是用Javascript写的,代码如下:

  ( // brackets covering match for protocol (optional) and domain
    ([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?) // match protocol, allow in format http:// or mailto:
    (?:[\-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)? // allow something@ for email addresses
    [A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+ // anything looking at all like a domain, non-unicode domains
    | // or instead of above
    (?:www\.|[\-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@) // starting with something@ or www.
    [A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+   // anything looking at all like a domain
  ( // brackets covering match for path, query string and anchor
    (?:\/[\+~%\/\.\w\-]*) // allow optional /path
    ?\??(?:[\-\+=&;%@\.\w]*) // allow optional query string starting with ? 
    #?(?:[\.\!\/\\\w]*) // allow optional anchor #anchor
  )? // make URL suffix optional


public static class ContentFormatter
    private static readonly Regex Url_To_Link = new Regex(@"(?<url>
        (https?:(?:\/\/)?)        # match protocol, allow in format http:// or https://
        [A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+          # anything looking at all like a domain, non-unicode domains        
        (                         # brackets covering match for path, query string and anchor
        (?:\/[\+~%\/\.\w\-]*)?    # allow optional /path
        \??(?:[\-\+=&;%@\.\w]*?)  # allow optional query string starting with ? 
        \#?(?:[\.\!\/\\\w\-]*)      # allow optional anchor #anchor
        )?                        # make URL suffix optional
        RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace,

    public static string UrlToLink(string text)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return string.Empty;

        return Url_To_Link.Replace(text, "<a href=\"${url}\" target=\"_blank\">${url}</a>");
posted @ 2014-07-25 14:14  dudu  阅读(2466)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报