1、When do you usually get up/go to bed?

On workdays, I get up at 7:00, which is probably earlier than most of my colleagues, simply because I live further from the office than anyone else. The time that I go to bed depends on if I having a quiet evening, reading a novel, or going out with friends, but is normally about midnight.

2、Are your weekday and weekend routines different?

They certainly are! During the week, I work. Then I go home to eat dinner or eat at a restaurant. After dinner, I often go out to a bar. On Saturdays, I do all the housework and shopping, In the evening, I go out with friends. On Sundays, I don’t really have a routine. What I do depends on the weather. If it’s a nice day, I go out, either somewhere in the city or to the countryside. If not, I usually stay at home and watch a film or read a book.

3、At what times do you usually eat your meals?

I eat breakfast at seven o’clock, lunch at midday, and dinner at seven in the evening. That’s the same for weekdays and weekends, unless there’s something special which changes my routines. I eat breakfast and lunch at company. Dinner could be either at home or a restaurant.

4、What is your favorite part of the day?

I like the evenings, because I can relax after work or go out with friends and have some fun. I think most people are happy when their workday is over and they can do what they like to do.