1、What are the main agricultural products in your region/country?

I live in Shandong. There are many agricultural products, such as wheat, fruits, and vegetables. Some of these agricultural products have been grown in Shandong for a long time. Others are new.

2、Do many people work on farms in your region/country?

In China, many people work in agriculture. People often do not want to work on the land for low pay. Farm workers can earn more in the cities. They cannot get good jobs, so when they arrive in the cities, they get low-paid work in construction.

3、Do students often work on farms during their holidays?

Yes, in the countryside. Parent in the cities want their children to do schoolwork during the school holidays. In China, people that get their money from farming are often poor. The children often work to increase the family income. In cities they have more money, so parents want their kids to do schoolwork.

4、Is farm work well paid in your country?

No, Farm workers often earn less than 1000 yuan a month. Some workers make a good salary, for example farmers near cities. They can sell products easily. Compare other people in the countryside, they do well, but compared to city people, their incomes are still low.