A cool music player. Powered by Bass and BassVis.

极简本地音乐播放器,透明、纯文本界面。支持轻媒体库、歌词、可视化。最小化到托盘,占用资源少,适合边听音乐边工作。(截图 by 左时右光)

运行环境:Windows XP / 7 / 10 / 11,简体 / 繁體 / English / Unicode

格式支持:APE / FLAC / WavPack / MP3 / OGG / TTA / TAK / Musepack / AAC / AC3 / WMA / Wav / CD / ALAC / Aiff / MOD / CUE

新版下载:Mcool 3360.2 (2024.6.30) 捐助获取完整版 | 概念版 McoolDev 3360.2 (2024.6.30),下载不了请复制链接到浏览器 | 触屏版 Surface (2018.7.19)

Mcool 安卓 276 (2018.7.19) 适合安卓较高版本 | Mcool 安卓 276 (2018.7.19) 不带服务版本 | Mcool 安卓 276 (2018.7.19) 适合安卓较低版本

更新内容:支持 GIF 动态封面及背景,与 Apple Music 是目前唯二实现该功能的音乐播放器。支持下载高清封面。已修复高分屏按钮过小的问题,以及切换布局时错位的问题。完美版。更新历史

感谢:小帆、QuickFlash、@sogook、@pairsdoll、无幻、Hola、武稀松、BGLL 以及小众软件、独木成林、软件小品、ZD423。

声音:小众软件 | 异次元 | 不知语冰(BGLL) | 软件No1 | 阿榮福利味 | 少数派 | 知乎专栏

扩展包:可视化插件 VIS(仅支持 Win7 以下,删除包内的 vis_avs.dll 可支持 Win10/11) | Winamp Milkdrop2 视觉效果 | Winamp 音效插件 | 视频插件 + K-Lite 支持音视频最全格式(包括 DTS)

其它:从Mcool独立出来的音量控制软件:飞音 2

A review from Softpedia:
This player is amazing as it brings simplicity to the extreme having almost no interface but yet it is rather powerful as it provides support for almost any thinkable audio format (it can play the rarely used True Audio- TTA and even Cue sheets), while being truly portable makes it an ideal companion for any external flash drive for easy playing of almost any audio file (there's no support for only extremely uncommon lossless audio formats like Lossless Audio- LA, OptimFROG- OFR, Tom's lossless Audio Kompressor- TAK, and Shorten- SHN). It does not offer many options and customizations since it aims at being a 'bare bones' player entirely relying on a few hot keys (not extremely customizable). All it has to offer is some built-in colour themes (available at left-click just below the playlist, which feature is not documented in the Readme file), the simplest possible progress bar (no time elapsed/remaining), transparency, stay on top, equalizer and associations but its portability, stability and its huge number of supported formats make it a nice player for those, who (like me) enjoy minimalism. by smaragdus

posted on 2010-02-10 18:07  英雄无敌  阅读(30994)  评论(114编辑  收藏  举报