JFrame 与 Frame


    1. Frame is part of java.awt package and exists since JDK1.0. JFrame is part of javax.swing package and exists since JDK1.1.3 or something.
    2. Frame extends Window.
      JFrame extends Frame.
    3. You can directly add components to Frame. You add components to JFrame.getContentPane().
    4. JFrame implements javax.swing.RootPaneContainer and javax.accessibility.Accessible interface. Frame does not. By virtue of that JFrame gets all the benefits that you get from JRootPane using a delegation model. e.g. you can set the border on ((JComponent) JFrame.getRootPane()).setBorder(...)
    5. JFrame directly supports javax.swing.JMenuBar.
    6. JFrame supports setting of close operation.




posted on 2017-12-23 10:06  Deltadeblog  阅读(169)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
