


 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2 #python xml.etree.ElementTree
  4 #Author   :   Hongten
  5 #Mailto   :   hongtenzone@foxmail.com
  6 #Blog     :   http://www.cnblogs.com/hongten
  7 #QQ       :   648719819
  8 #Version  :   1.0
  9 #Create   :   2013-09-03
 11 import os
 12 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
 14 '''
 15     在python中,解析XML文件有很多中方法
 16     本文中要使用的方法是:xml.etree.ElementTree       
 17 '''
 18 #global var
 19 #show log
 20 SHOW_LOG = True
 21 #XML file
 22 XML_PATH = None
 24 def get_root(path):
 25     '''parse the XML file,and get the tree of the XML file
 26     finally,return the root element of the tree.
 27     if the XML file dose not exist,then print the information'''
 28     if os.path.exists(path):
 29         if SHOW_LOG:
 30             print('start to parse the file : [{}]'.format(path))
 31         tree = ET.parse(path)
 32         return tree.getroot()
 33     else:
 34         print('the path [{}] dose not exist!'.format(path))
 36 def get_element_tag(element):
 37     '''return the element tag if the element is not None.'''
 38     if element is not None:
 39         if SHOW_LOG:
 40             print('begin to handle the element : [{}]'.format(element))
 41         return element.tag
 42     else:
 43         print('the element is None!')
 45 def get_element_attrib(element):
 46     '''return the element attrib if the element is not None.'''
 47     if element is not None:
 48         if SHOW_LOG:
 49             print('begin to handle the element : [{}]'.format(element))
 50         return element.attrib
 51     else:
 52         print('the element is None!')
 54 def get_element_text(element):
 55     '''return the text of the element.'''
 56     if element is not None:
 57         return element.text
 58     else:
 59         print('the element is None!')
 61 def get_element_children(element):
 62     '''return the element children if the element is not None.'''
 63     if element is not None:
 64         if SHOW_LOG:
 65             print('begin to handle the element : [{}]'.format(element))
 66         return [c for c in element]
 67     else:
 68         print('the element is None!')
 70 def get_elements_tag(elements):
 71     '''return the list of tags of element's tag'''
 72     if elements is not None:
 73         tags = []
 74         for e in elements:
 75             tags.append(e.tag)
 76         return tags
 77     else:
 78         print('the elements is None!')
 80 def get_elements_attrib(elements):
 81     '''return the list of attribs of element's attrib'''
 82     if elements is not None:
 83         attribs = []
 84         for a in elements:
 85             attribs.append(a.attrib)
 86         return attribs
 87     else:
 88         print('the elements is None!')
 90 def get_elements_text(elements):
 91     '''return the dict of element'''
 92     if elements is not None:
 93         text = []
 94         for t in elements:
 95             text.append(t.text)
 96         return dict(zip(get_elements_tag(elements), text))
 97     else:
 98         print('the elements is None!')
100 def init():
101     global SHOW_LOG
102     SHOW_LOG = True
103     global XML_PATH
104     XML_PATH = 'c:\\test\\hongten.xml'
106 def main():
107     init()
108     #root
109     root = get_root(XML_PATH)
110     root_tag = get_element_tag(root)
111     print(root_tag)
112     root_attrib = get_element_attrib(root)
113     print(root_attrib)
114     #children
115     children = get_element_children(root)
116     print(children)
117     children_tags = get_elements_tag(children)
118     print(children_tags)
119     children_attribs = get_elements_attrib(children)
120     print(children_attribs)
122     print('#' * 50)
123     #获取二级元素的每一个子节点的名称和值
124     for c in children:
125         c_children = get_element_children(c)
126         dict_text = get_elements_text(c_children)
127         print(dict_text)
129 if __name__ == '__main__':
130     main()
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