Automatic Correction
Reference to a static variable should be synchronized using a thread lock.
Static members are shared across object instances and threads and should be protected using some form of data synchronization (lock, Monitor.Enter/Monitor.Exit, Synchronized methods, Interlocked methods, synchronization attributes, etc.). This rule detects unsafe operations on shared data and provides synchronization.
The update of a variable should be synchronized using Threading.Interlocked operations.
Unprotected integer and long references should be synchronized using the Interlocked methods such as Interlocked.Increment(), Interlocked.Decrement() and Interlocked.Exchange().
Redundant Locking exists.
Interlocked operations are already effectively synchronized. There is no need to synchronize a variable operation that is protected with the Interlocked class, with and additional lock statement.
Optimize the update synchronization of a variable by using Threading.Interlocked operations instead of a lock.
The Interlocked methods for locking single operations on integers and longs is more efficient than a lock statement.
A logical block of unsynchronized static variable references has been detected and should be synchronized using a lock.
More than just a single unprotected reference exists and requires synchronizing the chain of logical operations.
Releasing a lock in any other location than a 'finally' section of try/finally block may create threading issues.
Using a try/finally block ensures that locks managed using Monitor.Enter and Monitor.Exit are performed once and only once in all situations.
The released lock was not the last lock acquired. Locks acquired last should be released first.
Locks using Monitor.Enter() and Monitor.Exit() should always be released in the reverse order they were acquired. Incorrect order of acquiring and releasing locks is one of the major causes of deadlock scenarios in a multi-threaded application.
A lock on the same object has already been acquired.
There is typically no good reason to perform multiple locks on one object within the same thread using. If multiple locks are acquired within the same thread using Monitor.Enter(), then the same number of releases must be issued with Monitor.Exit(). This type of situation is indicative of deadlock scenarios.
A lock has been acquired but has not been released.
Acquiring a lock Monitor.Enter() and not releasing it with Monitor.Exit() is a series bug that creates a deadlock situation. Address this issue by safely releasing the lock when complete by using a Monitor.Exit with a try/finally block.
A lock has been released in multiple places.
If locks are being released using Monitor.Exit() in multiple locations it is a sign that the Monitor class may not be being used safely. If a lock is called for release after it has already been released a SynchronizedLockException will be thrown.
Avoid calling static methods that call static methods on the same class.
Performance and scalability issues can result when a static method in class calls another static method in the same class.
Avoid providing static methods that alter static state.
In general, it is a weak design practice to be updating static data frequently within a threaded application because of the need for synchronization. Altering static state from a static method increases this likelihood.
Use thread pooling classes to optimize multi-threaded applications.
Avoid using System.Threading.Thread class to create threads unless you have special needs such as managing thread priority. Instead usage of system thread pool (ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem) can improve your performance and scalability.
Do not terminate other threads using Thread.Abort.
Thread.Abort raises a ThreadAbortException. When called within a thread the action is very predictable, but when called on a thread externally, the effect may interrupt the processing anywhere - such as within a finally block. Use Thread.Join to wait until desired thread finishes.
Lock Must not be Obtained on a Value Type.
Montor.Enter() and Exit() calls must lock on an object of a reference type. They should never lock on an object of a value type such as object of type "int". Unlike the lock statement, the compiler will allow you to acquire a lock on an object of a value type.
Excessive locking - lock contained inside a loop.
Excessive locking or thread synchronization can cause significant scalability and performance issues in some applications and should be minimized. Locks inside a loop indicate the potential for excessive locking.
Large number of statements protected by a lock.
Excessive locking or thread synchronization can cause significant scalability and performance issues in some applications and should be minimized. The more statements a lock contains, the more likely it is to impact scalability.
Excessive nesting of locks.
Excessive locking or thread synchronization can cause significant scalability and performance issues in some applications and should be minimized. Nested locks mean multiple locks are occurring and are also the root of most deadlocking scenarios.
Excessive portion of class is synchronized.
Excessive locking or thread synchronization can cause significant scalability and performance issues in some applications and should be minimized. If a large portion of a class is synchronized it indicates that most references to the class will require synchronization and potentially impact scalability.
Excessive synchronized calls into same class.
Excessive locking or thread synchronization can cause significant scalability and performance issues in some applications and should be minimized. Method calls into the same class that synchronization occurs can be an indication of excessive synchronization.
posted on 2009-03-30 23:51  MainTao  阅读(292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报