

 1 (function () {
 2     var that = this;
 3     function MyAlert(obj) {
 4         obj = obj || {};
 5         this.flag = false;
 6         this.width = obj.width || 300;
 7         this.height = obj.height || 50;
 8         this.backgroundColor = obj.backgroundColor || "#bd362f";
 9         this.remove_time = obj.remove_time || 3000;
10         this.map = obj.map || $("body");
11         this.div_father = null;
12         that = this;
13     }
15     MyAlert.prototype.render = function (str) {
16         if (!this.flag) {
17             this.div_father = $("<div></div>");
18             this.div_father.css({
19                 "position": "absolute",
20                 "bottom":"0",
21                 "width":"100%"
22             }).appendTo(this.map);
23             this.flag = true;
24         }
25         if (this.flag) {
26             var div_child = $("<div></div>"); 
27             var div_sz = $("<div></div>");
28             div_sz.text(str);
29             div_child.css({
30                 "position": "relative",
31                 "bottom":6,
32                 "height": this.height,
33                 "marginBottom": "10px",
34             }).appendTo(this.div_father);
36             div_sz.css({
37                 "position": "absolute",
38                 "right":"0",
39                 "padding":"0 20px 0 20px",
40                 "height": this.height,
41                 "backgroundColor": this.backgroundColor,
42                 "lineHeight": this.height + "px",
43                 "textAlign": "center",
44                 "marginBottom": "10px",
45                 "color": "#ffffff",
46                 "borderRadius": "5px",
47                 "box-shadow":"0 0 12px #000"
48             }).appendTo(div_child );
49         }
50     }
52     MyAlert.prototype.render_left = function (str) {
53         if (!this.flag) {
54             this.div_father = $("<div></div>");
55             this.div_father.css({
56                 "position": "absolute",
57                 "bottom":"0",
58                 "width":"100%"
59             }).appendTo(this.map);
60             this.flag = true;
61         }
62         if (this.flag) {
63             var div_child = $("<div></div>"); 
64             var div_sz = $("<div></div>");
65             div_sz.text(str);
66             div_child.css({
67                 "position": "relative",
68                 "bottom":6,
69                 "height": this.height,
70                 "marginBottom": "10px",
71             }).appendTo(this.div_father);
73             div_sz.css({
74                 "position": "absolute",
75                 "left":"3",
76                 "padding":"0 20px 0 20px",
77                 "height": this.height,
78                 "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
79                 "lineHeight": this.height + "px",
80                 "textAlign": "center",
81                 "marginBottom": "10px",
82                 "color": "#3c3c3c",
83                 "borderRadius": "5px",
84                 "box-shadow":"0 0 12px #000"
85             }).appendTo(div_child );
86         }
87     }
88     window.MyAlert = MyAlert;
89 }
90 )();


  1 <!DOCTYPE html>
  2 <html lang="en">
  3 <head>
  4     <meta charset="UTF-8">
  5     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  6     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
  7     <title>人工智障beta</title>
  8     <script src="js/jquery-1.12.2.js"></script>
  9     <script src="js/myAlert.js"></script>
 10     <style>
 11         *{
 12             margin: 0;
 13             padding: 0;
 14         }
 15         .box{
 16             width: 100%;
 17             max-width: 375px;
 18             height: 100%;
 19             min-height: 700px;
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 21             border-radius: 5px;
 22             background: url(img/bg.jpg) no-repeat center center;
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 25         .send{
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 29             width: 100%;
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 32         .send input{
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 34             border: 0;
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 41         .send-btn{
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 43             right: 7px;
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 45             width: 20%;
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 49         .text-box{
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 57         .scroll {
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 66         .bar {
 67             height: 100px;
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 77 </head>
 78 <body>
 79     <div class="box">
 80             <div class="text-box">
 81                 <!-- <div class="scroll" id="scroll">
 82                     <div class="bar" id="bar"></div>
 83                 </div> -->
 84             </div>
 85             <form class="send" action="">
 86                     <input class="send-text" type="text">
 87                     <input class="send-btn" type="submit"  value="发送">
 88             </form>
 89     </div>
 90 </body>
 91     <script>
 92         $(function(){
 93             var myAlert = new MyAlert({
 94                 map: $(".text-box")
 95             });
 97             $(".text-box").on("mousedown",function(e){
 98                 var mouse_In_BoxY = e.pageY;
 99                 $(this).on("mousemove",function(e){
100                     if($(this).height() < $(".text-box>div").height()){
101                         var boxY = parseInt($(".text-box>div").css("bottom")) - (e.pageY - mouse_In_BoxY) ;
102                         boxY = boxY >= 0?0:boxY; 
103                         boxY = boxY <= $(this).height()-$(".text-box>div").height()?$(this).height()-$(".text-box>div").height():boxY;
104                         $(".text-box>div").css("bottom",boxY);
105                         console.log(e.pageY);
106                     }
107                 })
108             }).on("mouseup",function(){
109                 $(this).off("mousemove")
110             })
112             var num = 0;
113             $("input[type='submit']").on("click",function(){
114                 $(".text-box>div").css("bottom",0);
115                 var str = $("input[type='text']").val();
116                 $("input[type='text']").val("");
117                 myAlert.render_left(str);
118                 num++;
119                 var str = str.replace(//g,"");
120                 if(str == "我好"){
121                     str = "你好";
122                 }
123                 if(str == ""){
124                     str = "?";
125                 }else{
126                     str = str.replace(/[吗|?]/g,"!");
127                 }
128                 myAlert.render(str);
129                 if(num >= 5){
130                     myAlert.render("你想知道人类的本质吗?");
131                     num = 0;
132                     $("input[type='submit']").attr('disabled','disabled');
133                     setInterval(function(){
134                         myAlert.render("人类的本质就是复读机"+num++);
135                     },3000);
136                 }
137                 return false;
138             })
139         })
140     </script>
141 </html>


posted @ 2018-12-20 15:12  掬水捧月可会不可言  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报