

1.1 查询哪些课程只有女生选读;
1.2 查各课程的平均成绩,按课程号分组,只选择学生超过3人的课程成绩;
1.3 找出不选“数据库”课程的学生学号、姓名;
1.4 找出选修了全部课程的学生姓名;
1.5 求平均成绩90分以上,选课男生人数3人以上的课程名。
-- 1.1
-- 关联(外连接)
select t1.cno
(select s.sno,e.cno from students s,enrolls e 
where s.sno=e.sno and s.sex='') t1
left join
(select s.sno,e.cno from students s,enrolls e 
where s.sno=e.sno and s.sex='') t2
on t1.cno=t2.cno
where t2.cno is null;
-- 子查询
select e.cno from students s,enrolls e 
where s.sno=e.sno and s.sex='' 
and s.cno not in(select e.cno from students s,enrolls e 
where s.sno=e.sno and s.sex='')

-- 1.2
select avg(score) from Enrolls e  group by e.cno having count(1)>3;

-- 1.3
select s.sno,s.sname from Students s 
where s.sno not in (select e.sno from Enrolls e where e.cno =(select c.cno from Courses c where c.cname='数据库'))
-- 1.4
select s.sname from Students s 
where s.sno in (select e.sno from Enrolls e group by e.sno having count(1)=(select count(1) from Courses c))

-- 1.5
select c.cname from Enrolls e,Courses c where e.cno=c.cno 
group by e.cno having avg(e.score)>90 
and e.cno in(select e.cno from Enrolls e,Students s 
where e.sno=s.sno and s.sex='' group by e.cno having count(1)>3);


2.Employee 表包含所有员工信息,每个员工有其对应的 Id, salary 和 department Id。
| Id | Name  | Salary | DepartmentId |
| 1  | Joe   | 70000  | 1            |
| 2  | Henry | 80000  | 2            |
| 3  | Sam   | 60000  | 2            |
| 4  | Mark  | 90000  | 1            |

Department 表包含公司所有部门的信息。

| Id | Name     |
| 1  | IT       |
| 2  | Sales    |

编写一个 SQL 查询,找出每个部门工资最高的员工。例如,根据上述给定的表格,Mark 在 IT 部门有最高工资,Henry 在 Sales 部门有最高工资。

| Department | Employee | Salary |
| IT         | Mark     | 90000  |
| Sales      | Henry    | 80000  |

select d.name as department, e.employee, c.salary
from employee e, department d
(select departmentid, max(salary) salary from employee group by deptmentid) c 
where e.departmentid=d.departmentid and d.departmentid=c.departmentid
and e.salary = c.salary;


|  Id    |   Email           |
|   1    |  john@example.com | 
|   2    |  boss@example.com | 
|   3    |  john@example.com | 
delete from info a
where a.email in (select b.email from info b group by b.email having count(b.email ) >= 2)
and a.id not in (select min(c.id) from info c group by c.email having count(c.email ) >= 2);


| EmpId | Name  | sex | age |
| 1     | 张鹏  || 25  |
| 2     | 张晓  || 20  |
| 3     | 王明  || 22  |
| 4     | 王刚  || 24  |
| 6     | 彭飞  || 18  |
| EmpId |product       |price|count|   date  |
| 1     | 遥控飞机A 款 |1000 | 1   |20190520 |
| 2     | 遥控汽车     |600  | 1   |20190601 |
| 2     | 遥控飞机B 款 |800  | 1   |20190530 |
| 3     | 玩具枪       |100  | 2   |20190510 |
| 4     | 儿童自行车   |300  | 1   |20190520 |
问题1:查年龄大于 20 以上的员工信息
select * from employee e where e.age>20;

select s.empid, sum(s.price*s.count) from sal s group by s.empid;

select e.* from employee e left join (select * from sal s where s.date like '201905__') ss 
on e.empid = ss.empid where ss.empid is null; -- 外连接:左连接(左边为主表,主表每一行都显示) select * from dept d left join emp e on d.deptno=e.deptno where e.empno is null; 5、某班学生表和考试成绩表分别如下: 表student: +-------+--------------+ | ID | Name | +-------+--------------+ | 1 | Jack | | 2 | Marry | | 3 | Rose | | 4 | Bob | | 5 | john | | 6 | Betty | | 7 | Robert | +-------+--------------+ 表:Achievement +-------+----------+ | ID | score | +-------+----------+ | 1 | 90 | | 2 | 96 | | 3 | 88 | | 4 | 86 | | 5 | 83 | | 6 | 83 | +-------+----------+ 其中 ID为学生的编号,Name 为姓名,Mark 为成绩,请针对以下问题,写出相应的 sql语句: 1、请查询成绩>85分的学生的姓名; select b.name from student b where b.id in(select a.id from acheviment a where a.mark >85); 2、请查询成绩>=90分的人数: select count(*) from acheviment a where a.mark>90; 3、Robert 此次考试考了80分,但是成绩没能录入表中,请将其成绩添加进去; insert into acheviment values(7,80); insert into acheviment (select s.id,80 from student s where s.name='Robert'); 4、请将Rose 的成绩修改为 87update acheviment a set a.mark=87 where a.id=(select s.id from student s where s.name='Rose'); 5、请删除 Betty 的记录; delete from acheviment a where a.id=(select s.id from student s where s.name='Bettty'); delete from student s where s.name='Bettty'; 6. 查询出分数为 83 且姓名首字母为B开头的学生; select * from acheviment a, student s where a.id=s.id and a.mark=83 and s.name like 'B%';


图1: 学生表xs
create  table xs(
  xno varchar2(3) ,
  name varchar2(10),
  course varchar2(10),
  score number(5,2)
insert into xs values ('01','张三','数学','80');
insert into xs values('01','张三','语文','81');
insert into xs values('01','张三','英语','88');
insert into xs values('02','王五','数学','70');
insert into xs values('02','王五','语文','90');
insert into xs values('02','王五','英语','77');
select x.* from xs x;

select x1.xno,x1.name,
sum(x1.shuxue) shuxue,
sum(x1.yuwen) yuwen,
sum(x1.yingyu) yingyu
from (select x.xno,x.name,
          decode(x.course,'数学',x.score,null) shuxue,
          decode(x.course,'语文',x.score,null) yuwen,
          decode(x.course,'英语',x.score,null) yingyu
      from xs x) x1 
group by x1.xno,x1.name;


Table A
|stuID | classID  | stuName |
| 1    | A        | chen    |
| 2    | A        | wang    |
| 3    | B        | li      |
| 4    | B        | yang    |

Table B
|classID | className|
| A      | 一班      |
| B      | 二班      |

Table C
|stuID | course | score |
| 1    | 数学   | 80    |
| 1    | 英语   | 85    |
| 1    | 语文   | 90    |
| 2    | 数学   | 85    |
| 2    | 英语   | 85    |
| 2    | 语文   | 95    |
| 3    | 语文   | 88    |
| 4    | 英语   | 85    |
| 3    | 数学   | 95    |
| 3    | 英语   | 88    |
| 4    | 语文   | 85    |
| 4    | 数学   | 99    |

select A.stuName, C.cource, C.score
from A,C where A.stuID=C.stuID and A.stuName='wang' and C.cource='数学';

select xx.stuName,yy.course,yy.max
from (select * from A,C where A.stuID=C.stuID) xx, 
(select C.course,max(score) max from A,B,C 
 where A.classID=B.classID and A.stuID=C.stuID and B.className='一班'
 group by C.course) yy
where xx.course=yy.course and xx.score=yy.max;


posted @ 2021-11-25 18:39  乌鸦哥  阅读(691)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报