jQuery VSDoc下载地址

It is our goal to provide Enterprise support for jQuery and to give back to the community. Intellisense is an important feature for Visual Studio 2010 developers and we want to make that easy when it comes to jQuery.

Along these efforts we have started to collect and provide links to jQuery vsdoc files for Visual Studio 2010 and we will continue to provide up-to-date vsdoc files as new versions of jQuery are released.

Older releases are available on the jQuery Download page.

How to use

For those new to using jQuery with Visual Studio with jQuery, the vsdoc version of the file allows Visual Studio to use Intellisense for jQuery development. The vsdoc file contains XML annotations, within JavaScript comments, which allow Visual Studio to parse, interpret and provide Intellisense while working with JavaScript files, and in this case, jQuery.

If you're still using Visual Studio 2008 and haven't yet updated it with the latest Service Pack, you'll need to do so before being able to make use of the extended Intellisense for JavaScript. You can get SP1 for Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2008 Express here.

If you're already using Visual Studio 2010, you should be good to go.

As with Intellisense in other languages such as C# and VB.NET, you'll see familiar dialogs / tool windows while writing code, triggered by the same keyboard input as other languages.

Using jQuery to select divs on a page:

Intellisense for chained methods:

Inspecting the arguments of a method:

For more information on using the jQuery vsdoc and Javascript Intellisense, please visit Scott Guthrie's original post, Jeff King's original "Rich Intellisense for jQuery" post, or Rick Strahl's

posted @ 2012-01-28 15:04  楚广明  阅读(2247)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报