
func startDeploymentController(ctx context.Context, controllerContext ControllerContext) (controller.Interface, bool, error) {
	dc, err := deployment.NewDeploymentController(
		controllerContext.InformerFactory.Apps().V1().ReplicaSets(),	// deploy底层本质是rs控制器
	if err != nil {
		return nil, true, fmt.Errorf("error creating Deployment controller: %v", err)
	go dc.Run(ctx, int(controllerContext.ComponentConfig.DeploymentController.ConcurrentDeploymentSyncs))
	return nil, true, nil
func NewDeploymentController(dInformer appsinformers.DeploymentInformer, rsInformer appsinformers.ReplicaSetInformer, podInformer coreinformers.PodInformer, client clientset.Interface) (*DeploymentController, error) {
		AddFunc:    dc.addDeployment,
		UpdateFunc: dc.updateDeployment,
		DeleteFunc: dc.deleteDeployment,
		AddFunc:    dc.addReplicaSet,
		UpdateFunc: dc.updateReplicaSet,
		DeleteFunc: dc.deleteReplicaSet,
		DeleteFunc: dc.deletePod,
	dc.syncHandler = dc.syncDeployment
	dc.enqueueDeployment = dc.enqueue
	return dc, nil
func (dc *DeploymentController) addDeployment(obj interface{}) {
	d := obj.(*apps.Deployment)
func (dc *DeploymentController) updateDeployment(old, cur interface{}) {
	oldD := old.(*apps.Deployment)
	curD := cur.(*apps.Deployment)
func (dc *DeploymentController) deleteDeployment(obj interface{}) {
	d, ok := obj.(*apps.Deployment)
	if !ok {
		tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
		d, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*apps.Deployment)
func (dc *DeploymentController) addReplicaSet(obj interface{}) {
	rs := obj.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	if controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(rs); controllerRef != nil {
		// 解析rs的deploy
		d := dc.resolveControllerRef(rs.Namespace, controllerRef)
	// 匹配不到则获取所有deploy进行适配比对
	ds := dc.getDeploymentsForReplicaSet(rs)
	if len(ds) == 0 {
	for _, d := range ds {
func (dc *DeploymentController) updateReplicaSet(old, cur interface{}) {
	curRS := cur.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	oldRS := old.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	if curRS.ResourceVersion == oldRS.ResourceVersion {
		// ResourceVersion一致则是相同对象不处理
	curControllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(curRS)
	oldControllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(oldRS)
	controllerRefChanged := !reflect.DeepEqual(curControllerRef, oldControllerRef)
	if controllerRefChanged && oldControllerRef != nil {
		// The ControllerRef was changed. Sync the old controller, if any.
		// 新老rs上层控制deploy不一致则更新更新老版本rs
		if d := dc.resolveControllerRef(oldRS.Namespace, oldControllerRef); d != nil {
	// 找的到上层deploy,同addReplicaSet
	if curControllerRef != nil {
		d := dc.resolveControllerRef(curRS.Namespace, curControllerRef)
	// 找不到上层deploy,同addReplicaSet
	labelChanged := !reflect.DeepEqual(curRS.Labels, oldRS.Labels)
	if labelChanged || controllerRefChanged {
		ds := dc.getDeploymentsForReplicaSet(curRS)
		for _, d := range ds {
func (dc *DeploymentController) deleteReplicaSet(obj interface{}) {
	rs, ok := obj.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	if !ok {
		tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
		rs, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(rs)
	if controllerRef == nil {
		// 没有上层deploy说明已经被删了		return
	d := dc.resolveControllerRef(rs.Namespace, controllerRef)
func (dc *DeploymentController) deletePod(obj interface{}) {
	pod, ok := obj.(*v1.Pod)
	if !ok {
		tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
		pod, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*v1.Pod)
	if d := dc.getDeploymentForPod(pod); d != nil && d.Spec.Strategy.Type == apps.RecreateDeploymentStrategyType {
		rsList, err := util.ListReplicaSets(d, util.RsListFromClient(dc.client.AppsV1()))
		podMap, err := dc.getPodMapForDeployment(d, rsList)
		numPods := 0
		for _, podList := range podMap {
			numPods += len(podList)
		if numPods == 0 {
func (dc *DeploymentController) resolveControllerRef(namespace string, controllerRef *metav1.OwnerReference) *apps.Deployment {
	if controllerRef.Kind != controllerKind.Kind {
		// controllerKind.Kind is "Deployment"
		return nil
	d, err := dc.dLister.Deployments(namespace).Get(controllerRef.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	if d.UID != controllerRef.UID {
		// uid变化说明deploy已经变更了,不再是该rs的上层
		return nil
	return d
func (dc *DeploymentController) syncDeployment(ctx context.Context, key string) error {
	// 获取deployment信息并深copy
	namespace, name, err := cache.SplitMetaNamespaceKey(key)
	deployment, err := dc.dLister.Deployments(namespace).Get(name)
	d := deployment.DeepCopy()

	// 当d没有设置LabelSelector时代表他选择这个namespace下所有pod,会有一条警告事件
	everything := metav1.LabelSelector{}
	if reflect.DeepEqual(d.Spec.Selector, &everything) {
		dc.eventRecorder.Eventf(d, v1.EventTypeWarning, "SelectingAll", "This deployment is selecting all pods. A non-empty selector is required.")
		if d.Status.ObservedGeneration < d.Generation {
			// 更新deplyment的观测版本号到最新
			d.Status.ObservedGeneration = d.Generation
			dc.client.AppsV1().Deployments(d.Namespace).UpdateStatus(ctx, d, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
		return nil

	// 获取这个deployment对应的replicaSet集合
	rsList, err := dc.getReplicaSetsForDeployment(ctx, d)
	// 获取所有replicaSet集合下的pod集合,这里使用了字典进行保存
	// 检测pod是否以pod-template-hash生成正确。在不同版本中,这个hash算法可能有所不同,会导致升级后deploy检测不到以前的pod会导致服务不可用;然后按新hash算法生成全新的pod,而之前的pod没有被清理会导致浪费2份资源
	// 检测在重新部署时没有老pod
	podMap, err := dc.getPodMapForDeployment(d, rsList)
	// 如果已经被删除了,则只更新状态信息
	if d.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		return dc.syncStatusOnly(ctx, d, rsList)
	// 验证一些其他情况
	if err = dc.checkPausedConditions(ctx, d); err != nil {
		return err
	if d.Spec.Paused {
		return dc.sync(ctx, d, rsList)

	// 回滚情况
	if getRollbackTo(d) != nil { --->pkg\controller\deployment\rollback.go
		return dc.rollback(ctx, d, rsList) --->pkg\controller\deployment\rollback.go
	// 滚动升级情况
	scalingEvent, err := dc.isScalingEvent(ctx, d, rsList)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if scalingEvent {
		return dc.sync(ctx, d, rsList)

	switch d.Spec.Strategy.Type {
	case apps.RecreateDeploymentStrategyType:
		// 重建情况
		return dc.rolloutRecreate(ctx, d, rsList, podMap)
	case apps.RollingUpdateDeploymentStrategyType:
		// 更新情况
		return dc.rolloutRolling(ctx, d, rsList)
	return fmt.Errorf("unexpected deployment strategy type: %s", d.Spec.Strategy.Type)
func (dc *DeploymentController) getReplicaSetsForDeployment(ctx context.Context, d *apps.Deployment) ([]*apps.ReplicaSet, error) {
	// 获取该namespace下所有replicatset列表
	rsList, err := dc.rsLister.ReplicaSets(d.Namespace).List(labels.Everything())
	// 获取这个deplotment要选择匹配的label
	deploymentSelector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(d.Spec.Selector)
	// 基于ReplicaSetController进行比对计算
	cm := controller.NewReplicaSetControllerRefManager(dc.rsControl, d, deploymentSelector, controllerKind, canAdoptFunc)
	return cm.ClaimReplicaSets(ctx, rsList)
func (dc *DeploymentController) getPodMapForDeployment(d *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet) (map[types.UID][]*v1.Pod, error) {
		// 根据label找到目标pod
	selector, err := metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(d.Spec.Selector)
	pods, err := dc.podLister.Pods(d.Namespace).List(selector)
	// 初始化号一个容量为rsList数量的map
	podMap := make(map[types.UID][]*v1.Pod, len(rsList))
	for _, rs := range rsList {
		podMap[rs.UID] = []*v1.Pod{}
	// 循环目标pod放置到自己的rs里
	for _, pod := range pods {
		controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(pod)
		if controllerRef == nil {
		if _, ok := podMap[controllerRef.UID]; ok {
			podMap[controllerRef.UID] = append(podMap[controllerRef.UID], pod)
func (dc *DeploymentController) syncStatusOnly(ctx context.Context, d *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet) error {
	newRS, oldRSs, err := dc.getAllReplicaSetsAndSyncRevision(ctx, d, rsList, false)
	allRSs := append(oldRSs, newRS)
	return dc.syncDeploymentStatus(ctx, allRSs, newRS, d)
func (dc *DeploymentController) syncDeploymentStatus(ctx context.Context, allRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, newRS *apps.ReplicaSet, d *apps.Deployment) error {
	newStatus := calculateStatus(allRSs, newRS, d)
	// 更新状态
	newDeployment := d
	newDeployment.Status = newStatus
	_, err := dc.client.AppsV1().Deployments(newDeployment.Namespace).UpdateStatus(ctx, newDeployment, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
	return err
func (dc *DeploymentController) sync(ctx context.Context, d *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet) error {
	newRS, oldRSs, err := dc.getAllReplicaSetsAndSyncRevision(ctx, d, rsList, false)
	if err := dc.scale(ctx, d, newRS, oldRSs); err != nil {
		return err
	if d.Spec.Paused && getRollbackTo(d) == nil {
		if err := dc.cleanupDeployment(ctx, oldRSs, d); err != nil {
			return err
	allRSs := append(oldRSs, newRS)
	return dc.syncDeploymentStatus(ctx, allRSs, newRS, d)




func (dc *DeploymentController) rollback(ctx context.Context, d *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet) error {
	newRS, allOldRSs, err := dc.getAllReplicaSetsAndSyncRevision(ctx, d, rsList, true) --->pkg\controller\deployment\sync.go
	// 组合全部rs列表
	allRSs := append(allOldRSs, newRS)
	if rollbackTo.Revision == 0 {
		if rollbackTo.Revision = deploymentutil.LastRevision(allRSs); rollbackTo.Revision == 0 {
			// 如果回滚版本为0,则验证能拿到的最老版本号是否为0,不是的话则放弃回滚操作
			dc.emitRollbackWarningEvent(d, deploymentutil.RollbackRevisionNotFound, "Unable to find last revision.")
			return dc.updateDeploymentAndClearRollbackTo(ctx, d)
	// 循环所有rs获取其版本号
	for _, rs := range allRSs {
		v, err := deploymentutil.Revision(rs)
		if err != nil {
		if v == rollbackTo.Revision {
			klog.V(4).Infof("Found replica set %q with desired revision %d", rs.Name, v)
			// 找到了则进行回滚
			performedRollback, err := dc.rollbackToTemplate(ctx, d, rs)
			if performedRollback && err == nil {
				dc.emitRollbackNormalEvent(d, fmt.Sprintf("Rolled back deployment %q to revision %d", d.Name, rollbackTo.Revision))
			return err
	// 否则放弃回滚
	dc.emitRollbackWarningEvent(d, deploymentutil.RollbackRevisionNotFound, "Unable to find the revision to rollback to.")
	return dc.updateDeploymentAndClearRollbackTo(ctx, d)
func getRollbackTo(d *apps.Deployment) *extensions.RollbackConfig {
	// 获取历史版本号
	revision := d.Annotations[apps.DeprecatedRollbackTo]
	if revision == "" {
		return nil
	revision64, err := strconv.ParseInt(revision, 10, 64)
	// 返回当时的配置情况
	return &extensions.RollbackConfig{
		Revision: revision64,
func (dc *DeploymentController) getAllReplicaSetsAndSyncRevision(ctx context.Context, d *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet, createIfNotExisted bool) (*apps.ReplicaSet, []*apps.ReplicaSet, error) {
	_, allOldRSs := deploymentutil.FindOldReplicaSets(d, rsList) --->pkg\controller\deployment\util\deployment_util.go

	// Get new replica set with the updated revision number
	newRS, err := dc.getNewReplicaSet(ctx, d, rsList, allOldRSs, createIfNotExisted)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	return newRS, allOldRSs, nil

**func (dc *DeploymentController) getNewReplicaSet(ctx context.Context, d *apps.Deployment, rsList, oldRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet, createIfNotExisted bool) (*apps.ReplicaSet, error) {**
	// 获取最新的rs
	existingNewRS := deploymentutil.FindNewReplicaSet(d, rsList)
	// 获取(maxOldRevision
	maxOldRevision := deploymentutil.MaxRevision(oldRSs)
	// 更新最新rs的maxOldRevision为老(maxOldRevision加1
	newRevision := strconv.FormatInt(maxOldRevision+1, 10)

	// 最新rs存在我们需要同步其信息并打补丁
	if existingNewRS != nil {
		rsCopy := existingNewRS.DeepCopy()

		// annotation是否需要更新
		annotationsUpdated := deploymentutil.SetNewReplicaSetAnnotations(d, rsCopy, newRevision, true, maxRevHistoryLengthInChars)
		// 是否在更新周期内
		minReadySecondsNeedsUpdate := rsCopy.Spec.MinReadySeconds != d.Spec.MinReadySeconds
		if annotationsUpdated || minReadySecondsNeedsUpdate {
			// 两者有任意不满足则进行rs信息更新,并修改更新时间
			rsCopy.Spec.MinReadySeconds = d.Spec.MinReadySeconds
			return dc.client.AppsV1().ReplicaSets(rsCopy.ObjectMeta.Namespace).Update(ctx, rsCopy, metav1.UpdateOptions{})

		// 验证是否需要更新depoyment的状态
		needsUpdate := deploymentutil.SetDeploymentRevision(d, rsCopy.Annotations[deploymentutil.RevisionAnnotation])
		cond := deploymentutil.GetDeploymentCondition(d.Status, apps.DeploymentProgressing)
		if deploymentutil.HasProgressDeadline(d) && cond == nil {
			msg := fmt.Sprintf("Found new replica set %q", rsCopy.Name)
			condition := deploymentutil.NewDeploymentCondition(apps.DeploymentProgressing, v1.ConditionTrue, deploymentutil.FoundNewRSReason, msg)
			deploymentutil.SetDeploymentCondition(&d.Status, *condition)
			needsUpdate = true
		// 更新depoyment的状态
		if needsUpdate {
			var err error
			if _, err = dc.client.AppsV1().Deployments(d.Namespace).UpdateStatus(ctx, d, metav1.UpdateOptions{}); err != nil {
				return nil, err
		return rsCopy, nil
	// 如果不存在时不需要创建,则什么都不做
	if !createIfNotExisted {
		return nil, nil

	// 创建一个新的rs
	newRSTemplate := *d.Spec.Template.DeepCopy()
	podTemplateSpecHash := controller.ComputeHash(&newRSTemplate, d.Status.CollisionCount)
	newRSTemplate.Labels = labelsutil.CloneAndAddLabel(d.Spec.Template.Labels, apps.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey, podTemplateSpecHash)
	// Add podTemplateHash label to selector.
	newRSSelector := labelsutil.CloneSelectorAndAddLabel(d.Spec.Selector, apps.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey, podTemplateSpecHash)

	// Create new ReplicaSet
	newRS := apps.ReplicaSet{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			// Make the name deterministic, to ensure idempotence
			Name:            d.Name + "-" + podTemplateSpecHash,
			Namespace:       d.Namespace,
			OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{*metav1.NewControllerRef(d, controllerKind)},
			Labels:          newRSTemplate.Labels,
		Spec: apps.ReplicaSetSpec{
			Replicas:        new(int32),
			MinReadySeconds: d.Spec.MinReadySeconds,
			Selector:        newRSSelector,
			Template:        newRSTemplate,
	// 更新全部rs列表
	allRSs := append(oldRSs, &newRS)
	newReplicasCount, err := deploymentutil.NewRSNewReplicas(d, allRSs, &newRS)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	*(newRS.Spec.Replicas) = newReplicasCount
	// Set new replica set's annotation
	deploymentutil.SetNewReplicaSetAnnotations(d, &newRS, newRevision, false, maxRevHistoryLengthInChars)
	// 检测哈希冲突情况
	alreadyExists := false
	createdRS, err := dc.client.AppsV1().ReplicaSets(d.Namespace).Create(ctx, &newRS, metav1.CreateOptions{})
	switch {
	// 在缓存未更新及快速部署时可能会出现该情况
	case errors.IsAlreadyExists(err):
		alreadyExists = true

		// Fetch a copy of the ReplicaSet.
		rs, rsErr := dc.rsLister.ReplicaSets(newRS.Namespace).Get(newRS.Name)
		if rsErr != nil {
			return nil, rsErr

		// If the Deployment owns the ReplicaSet and the ReplicaSet's PodTemplateSpec is semantically
		// deep equal to the PodTemplateSpec of the Deployment, it's the Deployment's new ReplicaSet.
		// Otherwise, this is a hash collision and we need to increment the collisionCount field in
		// the status of the Deployment and requeue to try the creation in the next sync.
		controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(rs)
		if controllerRef != nil && controllerRef.UID == d.UID && deploymentutil.EqualIgnoreHash(&d.Spec.Template, &rs.Spec.Template) {
			createdRS = rs
			err = nil

		// Matching ReplicaSet is not equal - increment the collisionCount in the DeploymentStatus
		// and requeue the Deployment.
		if d.Status.CollisionCount == nil {
			d.Status.CollisionCount = new(int32)
		preCollisionCount := *d.Status.CollisionCount
		// Update the collisionCount for the Deployment and let it requeue by returning the original
		// error.
		_, dErr := dc.client.AppsV1().Deployments(d.Namespace).UpdateStatus(ctx, d, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
		if dErr == nil {
			klog.V(2).Infof("Found a hash collision for deployment %q - bumping collisionCount (%d->%d) to resolve it", d.Name, preCollisionCount, *d.Status.CollisionCount)
		return nil, err
	case errors.HasStatusCause(err, v1.NamespaceTerminatingCause):
		// 如果namespace正在被terminating,那么后续所有资源都不创建
		return nil, err
	case err != nil:
		// 剩下其他error情况则直接更新deployment状态
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create new replica set %q: %v", newRS.Name, err)
		if deploymentutil.HasProgressDeadline(d) {
			cond := deploymentutil.NewDeploymentCondition(apps.DeploymentProgressing, v1.ConditionFalse, deploymentutil.FailedRSCreateReason, msg)
			deploymentutil.SetDeploymentCondition(&d.Status, *cond)
			_, _ = dc.client.AppsV1().Deployments(d.Namespace).UpdateStatus(ctx, d, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
		dc.eventRecorder.Eventf(d, v1.EventTypeWarning, deploymentutil.FailedRSCreateReason, msg)
		return nil, err
	if !alreadyExists && newReplicasCount > 0 {
		dc.eventRecorder.Eventf(d, v1.EventTypeNormal, "ScalingReplicaSet", "Scaled up replica set %s to %d", createdRS.Name, newReplicasCount)
	// 正常创建并更新状态
	needsUpdate := deploymentutil.SetDeploymentRevision(d, newRevision)
	if !alreadyExists && deploymentutil.HasProgressDeadline(d) {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("Created new replica set %q", createdRS.Name)
		condition := deploymentutil.NewDeploymentCondition(apps.DeploymentProgressing, v1.ConditionTrue, deploymentutil.NewReplicaSetReason, msg)
		deploymentutil.SetDeploymentCondition(&d.Status, *condition)
		needsUpdate = true
	if needsUpdate {
		_, err = dc.client.AppsV1().Deployments(d.Namespace).UpdateStatus(ctx, d, metav1.UpdateOptions{})
	return createdRS, err
func FindOldReplicaSets(deployment *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet) ([]*apps.ReplicaSet, []*apps.ReplicaSet) {
	var requiredRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet
	var allRSs []*apps.ReplicaSet
	newRS := FindNewReplicaSet(deployment, rsList)
	for _, rs := range rsList {
		// 过滤掉已经更新好的rs
		if newRS != nil && rs.UID == newRS.UID {
		allRSs = append(allRSs, rs)
		if *(rs.Spec.Replicas) != 0 {
			// 处理副本数为0情况
			requiredRSs = append(requiredRSs, rs)
	return requiredRSs, allRSs

func FindNewReplicaSet(deployment *apps.Deployment, rsList []*apps.ReplicaSet) *apps.ReplicaSet {
	// 基于创建时间排序
	for i := range rsList {
		if EqualIgnoreHash(&rsList[i].Spec.Template, &deployment.Spec.Template) {
			// 基于Template模板对比
			return rsList[i]
	return nil
posted @ 2022-02-08 19:07  北方姆Q  阅读(76)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报