

Posted on 2014-04-23 20:34  beeone  阅读(522)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
create table a(id int identity,aid varchar(5),name varchar(6))  
insert into a select 1,  'a  '  
insert into a select 1,  'a  '  
insert into a select 1,  'a  '  
insert into a select 1,  'b  '  
insert into a select 1,  'b  '  
insert into a select 1,  'c  '  
insert into a select 2,  'a  '  
insert into a select 2,  'a  '  

create table b(id int identity,aid varchar(5),name varchar(6))  
insert into b select 1,  'a  '  
insert into b select 1,  'a  '  
insert into b select 1,  'b  '  
insert into b select 1,  'b  '  
insert into b select 1,  'b  '  
insert into b select 1,  'd  ' 

select px=(select count(1) from a  where aid = t.aid and name= t.name and id<t.id)+1,* into #tb1 from a t 
select px=(select count (1) from b where aid = t.aid and name= t.name and id<t.id)+1,* into #tb2 from b t

select * from #tb1
select * from #tb2
delete a where id in
(select id from #tb1 a where not exists(select * from #tb2 b where b.px=a.px and b.aid=a.aid and b.name=a.name)
and a.aid=1)
insert into a
select aid,name from #tb2 a  where not exists(select * from #tb1 b where b.px=a.px and b.aid=a.aid and b.name=a.name)


create table tb1(ID int,Account int) 
insert into tb1 values(11,                 10000 ) 
insert into tb1 values(12,                 10000 ) 
insert into tb1 values(13,                 10000 ) 
insert into tb1 values(14,                 20000 ) 
insert into tb1 values(15,                 25000 ) 
insert into tb1 values(16,                 35000 ) 
insert into tb1 values(17,                 40000 ) 
insert into tb1 values(18,                 50000 )  

create table tb2(ID int,Account int) 
insert into tb2 values(1,                 10000 ) 
insert into tb2 values(2,                 10000 ) 
insert into tb2 values(3,                 20000 ) 
insert into tb2 values(4,                 20000 ) 
insert into tb2 values(5,                 20000 ) 
insert into tb2 values(6,                 30000 ) 
insert into tb2 values(7,                 40000 ) 
insert into tb2 values(8,                 80000 )  

select px=identity(int, 1,1),* into #t1 from tb1 order by account,id
select px=identity(int ,1,1),* into #t2 from tb2 order by account,id

select a.id,a.account from #t1 a where not exists(select * from #t2 b where a.px=b.px and a.account=b.account)

drop table tb1,tb2,#t1,#t2