
有些递归是很容易转化成循环的,用一个循环非常直观的映射过去就是了,如求Fibonacci数列; 而有些递归却没有那么直观,甚至可能需要多个循环才能转化过去,这里举个例子:

给出一个集合,如(1, 2, 3, 4),打印出该集合的所有子集

分析一下问题,子集是指取原集合中的任意多个元素,转化一下问题,就是对于原集合中的任何一个元素,我们都有两个选择,包含或者不包含,所以对于n个元素的集合,其子集数为: 2*2*2... = 2^n。那么可以得出其递归算法:

void Recursive_Subsets(int* a, bool* b, int start, int end)
	if (start <= end)
		// determine current number's status, which has 2 choices
		// and then continue with left ones
		b[start] = true;
		Recursive_Subsets(a, b, start+1, end);

		b[start] = false;
		Recursive_Subsets(a, b, start+1, end);
		for (int i = 0; i <= end; i++)
			if (b[i]) cout << a[i];
		cout << endl;


void PrintAllSubsets1(int* a, int n)
	bool* b = new bool[n];
	Recursive_Subsets(a, b, 0, n-1);
	delete b;

递归的优点是直观、易懂:写起来如此,读起来也是这样。但是每次递归都是call stack的不断叠加,对于这个问题,其需要消耗O(n)的栈空间,栈空间,栈空间~~~


void PrintAllSubsets2(int* a, int n)
	// Initialize flags as false
	bool* b = new bool[n];
	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		b[i] = false;

	// Use 2 loops to enumerate all possible combinations of (each item's status * number of items), 
	// in this case: ([true|false] * size of set)
		// Get one solution, output it!
		for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			if(b[i]) cout << a[i];
		cout << endl;

		// One of the number's status has switched, start over enumeration for that!
		// ex: I have following enumeration for 3 numbers:
		//     0, 0, 0
		//	   0, 0, 1
		//	   0, 1, 0
		//	   0, 1, 1
		// now if I changed the first number's status from 0 to 1, I need to re-enumerate the other 2 numbers
		// to get all possible cases:
		//     1, 0, 0
		//	   1, 0, 1
		//	   1, 1, 0
		//	   1, 1, 1
		int k = n - 1; 

		while(k >= 0)
			if(b[k] == false)	// have we tried all possible status of k?
				b[k] = true;	// status switch, as we only have 2 status here, I use a boolean rather than an array.
				break;			// break to output the updated status, and further enumeration for this status change, just like a recursion
			else				// We have tried all possible cases for k-th number, now let's consider the previous one
				b[k] = false;	// resume k to its initial status
				k--;			// let's consider k-1

		if(k < 0) break;		// all the numbers in the set has been processed, we are done!

	// clean up
	delete [] b;




An Introduction to Recursion, Part 1

An Introduction to Recursion, Part 2

posted @ 2011-02-12 08:18  lzprgmr  阅读(10694)  评论(8编辑  收藏  举报
