加强版的带进度条的传文件和加表情的聊天室 -2

  1package networking;
  3import java.awt.*;
  4import java.io.*;
  5import java.net.*;
  6import java.util.*;
  7import javax.swing.*;
  8import javax.swing.text.*;
 11 * client thread that will listent the responses from the server,and update the
 12 * information to the gui class
 13 * 
 14 * @author 
 15 * @version 1.0
 16 */

 17public class ClientThreadHandler implements Runnable
 19    /**
 20     * Attributes
 21     */

 22    private Socket socket;
 23    private ObjectInputStream ois;
 24    private ClientGUI clientGUI;
 25    private ClientLogin clientLogin;
 27    /**
 28     * Constructor
 29     */

 30    public ClientThreadHandler(Socket socket, ObjectInputStream ois,
 31            ClientGUI clientGUI, ClientLogin clientLogin)
 32    {
 33        this.socket = socket;
 34        this.ois = ois;
 35        this.clientGUI = clientGUI;
 36        this.clientLogin = clientLogin;
 37    }

 39    /*
 40     * (non-Javadoc)
 41     * 
 42     * @see java.lang.Runnable#run()
 43     */

 44    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
 45    public void run()
 46    {
 47        while(true)
 48        {
 49            try
 50            {
 51                try
 52                {
 53                    DataFrame df = (DataFrame)ois.readObject();
 54                    if(df.getType().equals("Error"))
 55                    {
 56                        String error = (String)df.getObject();
 57                        if(error.equals("Name already exists"))// name exists
 58                        {
 59                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(clientLogin
 60                                    .getContentPane(), error, "No Title",
 61                                    JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
 62                            // clientGUI.setVisible(true);
 63                            clientGUI.dispose();
 64                            break;
 65                        }

 66                        else if(error.equals("IP and port already exist"))// ip
 67                        // and
 68                        // port
 69                        // exist
 70                        {
 71                            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(clientLogin
 72                                    .getContentPane(), error, "No Title",
 73                                    JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
 74                            // clientGUI.setVisible(true);
 75                            clientGUI.dispose();
 76                            break;
 77                        }

 78                    }

 79                    else
 80                    // ok to login
 81                    {
 82                        clientLogin.setVisible(false);
 83                        clientGUI.setVisible(true);
 84                    }

 85                    if(df.getType().equals("Message"))// message from the
 86                    // server
 87                    {
 88                        clientGUI.setText((String)df.getObject());
 89                    }

 90                    else if(df.getType().startsWith("UserList"))// userlist from
 91                    // the server
 92                    {
 93                        ArrayList<Chatter> al = (ArrayList<Chatter>)df
 94                                .getObject();
 95                        clientGUI.setChatters(al);
 96                        Vector<String> vector = new Vector<String>();
 97                        vector.addElement("All");// always add "All" option
 98                        // for the user
 99                        for(int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++)
100                        {
101                            vector.addElement(al.get(i).getName() + "-("
102                                    + al.get(i).getRoom() + ")");
103                        }

104                        clientGUI.setChatterList(vector);
105                    }

106                    else if(df.getType().equals("SendFileError"))
107                    {
108                        RequestFrame rf = (RequestFrame)df.getObject();
109                        Map sendingFiles = clientGUI.getSendingFiles();
110                        FileSender fs = (FileSender)sendingFiles.get(rf
111                                .getSenderKey());
112                        fs.setOkToSend(false);
113                        fs.getJoeyLabel().setProcessing(false);
114                        fs.getJoeyLabel().setText("Send file error,canceled");
115                        fs.getJoeyButton().setVisible(false);
116                        sendingFiles.remove(rf.getSenderKey());
117                    }

118                    else if(df.getType().equals("SendFileSectionError"))
119                    {
120                        FileFrame ff = (FileFrame)df.getObject();
121                        Map sendingFiles = clientGUI.getSendingFiles();
122                        FileSender fs = (FileSender)sendingFiles.get(ff
123                                .getSenderKey());
124                        fs.setOkToSend(false);
125                        fs.getJoeyLabel().setProcessing(false);
126                        fs.getJoeyLabel().setText("Send file error,canceled");
127                        fs.getJoeyButton().setVisible(false);
128                        sendingFiles.remove(ff.getSenderKey());
129                    }

130                    else if(df.getType().equals("ReceiveFileRequest"))
131                    {
132                        RequestFrame rf = (RequestFrame)df.getObject();
133                        Document doc = clientGUI.getJTextPane().getDocument();
134                        Style style = clientGUI.getJTextPane().getStyle("JoeyLabel");
135                        JoeyLabel joeyLabel = new JoeyLabel();
136                        joeyLabel.setText("<html>Receive file '"
137                                + rf.getFileName() + "' from " + rf.getSender()
138                                + "</html>");
139                        StyleConstants.setComponent(style, joeyLabel);
140                        try
141                        {
142                            doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", clientGUI
143                                    .getJTextPane().getStyle("JoeyLabel"));
144                        }

145                        catch(BadLocationException ble)
146                        {
147                        }

148                        style = clientGUI.getJTextPane().getStyle("JoeyButton");
149                        JoeyButton joeyButton1 = new JoeyButton();
150                        joeyButton1.setText("Accept");
151                        joeyButton1.setMargin(new Insets(0000));
152                        StyleConstants.setComponent(style, joeyButton1);
153                        try
154                        {
155                            doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", clientGUI
156                                    .getJTextPane().getStyle("JoeyButton"));
157                        }

158                        catch(BadLocationException ble)
159                        {
160                        }

161                        JoeyButton joeyButton2 = new JoeyButton();
162                        joeyButton2.setText("Cancel");
163                        joeyButton2.setMargin(new Insets(0000));
164                        StyleConstants.setComponent(style, joeyButton2);
165                        try
166                        {
167                            doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "\n", clientGUI
168                                    .getJTextPane().getStyle("JoeyButton"));
169                        }

170                        catch(BadLocationException ble)
171                        {
172                        }

173                        FileReceiver fr = new FileReceiver(clientGUI, clientGUI
174                                .getClient(), rf,
175                                clientGUI.getReceivingFiles(), joeyLabel,
176                                joeyButton1, joeyButton2, rf.getFileSize(), rf
177                                        .getTotalSections(), rf
178                                        .getPackageSize(), rf.getSenderKey(),
179                                rf.getSender(), rf.getReceiver(),rf.getFileName());
180                        fr.register();
181                        NotifyFrame nf = new NotifyFrame(rf.getSender(), rf
182                                .getReceiver(), rf.getSenderKey(), fr.getKey());
183                        clientGUI.getClient().send("IGotTheRequest", nf);
184                    }

185                    else if(df.getType().equals("ReceiveFileAcknowledgement"))
186                    {
187                        AcknowledgementFrame af = (AcknowledgementFrame)df
188                                .getObject();
189                        Map sendingFiles = clientGUI.getSendingFiles();
190                        FileSender fs = (FileSender)sendingFiles.get(af
191                                .getSenderKey());
192                        //fs.getJoeyButton().setVisible(false);
193                        if(fs != null)
194                        {
195                            fs.setOkToSend(true);
196                            Thread thread = new Thread(
197                                    new FileSendThreadHandler(fs, af
198                                            .getReceiverKey()));
199                            thread.setPriority(1);
200                            thread.start();
201                        }

202                    }

203                    else if(df.getType().equals("ReceiveFileSection"))
204                    {
205                        FileFrame ff = (FileFrame)df.getObject();
206                        Map receivingFiles = clientGUI.getReceivingFiles();
207                        FileReceiver fr = (FileReceiver)receivingFiles.get(ff
208                                .getReceiverKey());
209                        if(fr != null)
210                        {
211                            fr.receive(ff);
212                        }

213                    }

214                    else if(df.getType().equals("SheGotTheRequest"))
215                    {
216                        NotifyFrame nf = (NotifyFrame)df.getObject();
217                        Map sendingFiles = clientGUI.getSendingFiles();
218                        FileSender fs = (FileSender)sendingFiles.get(nf
219                                .getSenderKey());
220                        if(fs != null)
221                        {
222                            fs.setReceiverKey(nf.getReceiverKey());
223                        }

224                    }

225                    else if(df.getType().equals(
226                            "ReceiveCancelFileSendFromSender"))
227                    {
228                        CancelFrame cf = (CancelFrame)df.getObject();
229                        Map receivingFiles = clientGUI.getReceivingFiles();
230                        FileReceiver fr = (FileReceiver)receivingFiles.get(cf
231                                .getReceiverKey());
232                        if(fr != null)
233                        {
234                            fr.stop();
235                        }

236                    }

237                    else if(df.getType().equals(
238                            "ReceiveCancelFileSendFromReceiver"))
239                    {
240                        CancelFrame cf = (CancelFrame)df.getObject();
241                        Map sendingFiles = clientGUI.getSendingFiles();
242                        FileSender fs = (FileSender)sendingFiles.get(cf
243                                .getSenderKey());
244                        if(fs != null)
245                        {
246                            fs.stop();
247                        }

248                    }

249                }

250                catch(Exception e)
251                {
252                    socket.close();
253                    System.exit(0);
254                }

255            }

256            catch(IOException e)
257            {
258            }

259        }

260    }


  1package networking;
  3import java.io.*;
  4import java.net.*;
  5import java.util.*;
  8 * coordinator class that works as a coordinator,which will notice the users
  9 * when a new user login or logout,or a user wants to send a message,etc
 10 * 
 11 * @author 
 12 * @version 1.0
 13 */

 14public class Coordinator
 16    /**
 17     * Attributes
 18     */

 19    private ArrayList<Caller> callers;
 20    private MessageCenter mc;
 21    public static Coordinator coordinator;
 22    /**
 23     * Private class that will work as observable
 24     * @author 
 25     * @version 1.0
 26     */

 27    private class MessageCenter extends Observable
 28    {
 29        public void setChanged()
 30        {
 31            super.setChanged();
 32        }

 33    }

 35    /**
 36     * method that will return all the sockets connected
 37     * 
 38     * @return ArrayList<Socket>
 39     */

 40    public ArrayList<Socket> getSockets()
 41    {
 42        ArrayList<Socket> sockets = new ArrayList<Socket>();
 43        synchronized(callers)// add a lock,to make sure that when one thread
 44        // is dealing with the list,other threads which
 45        // want to change the list must wait
 46        {
 47            for(int i = 0; i < callers.size(); i++)
 48            {
 49                sockets.add(callers.get(i).getSocket());
 50            }

 51        }

 52        return sockets;
 53    }

 55    /**
 56     * Constructor
 57     */

 58    private Coordinator()
 59    {
 60        callers = new ArrayList<Caller>();
 61        mc = new MessageCenter();
 62    }

 64    /**
 65     * Singleton pattern that will only hold one instance of this class
 66     * 
 67     * @return Coordinator
 68     */

 69    public static Coordinator getCoordinator()
 70    {
 71        if(coordinator == null)
 72        {
 73            coordinator = new Coordinator();
 74        }

 75        return coordinator;
 76    }

 77    /**
 78     * Method that will send private information,like sending file request
 79     * @param object
 80     * @param correctInformation
 81     * @param errorInformation
 82     * @param receiver
 83     * @param sender
 84     */

 85    public void sendPrivateInformation(Object object,String correctInformation,String errorInformation,Chatter receiver,
 86            Chatter sender)
 87    {
 88        if(receiver == null)// no such a receiver in the user list
 89        {
 90            synchronized(callers)// lock to protect the data integrity
 91            {
 92                for(Caller caller: callers)
 93                {
 94                    if(caller.getSocket().getInetAddress().toString().equals(
 95                            sender.getIP()))// ip is the same
 96                    {
 97                        if(caller.getSocket().getPort() == sender.getPort())// port
 98                        // is
 99                        // the
100                        // same
101                        {
102                            try
103                            {
104                                try
105                                {
106                                    ObjectOutputStream oos = caller
107                                            .getObjectOutputStream();
108                                    oos.reset();
109                                    oos.writeObject(new DataFrame(
110                                            errorInformation,
111                                            object));// send error message
112                                    oos.flush();
113                                }

114                                catch(InterruptedIOException iioe)
115                                {
116                                    synchronized(this)
117                                    {
118                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
119                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
120                                                        caller.getSocket());
121                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
122                                                caller.getSocket());
123                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
124                                                .getRoom());
125                                    }

126                                    caller.getSocket().close();
127                                }

128                                catch(IOException e)
129                                {
130                                    synchronized(this)
131                                    {
132                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
133                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
134                                                        caller.getSocket());
135                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
136                                                caller.getSocket());
137                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
138                                                .getRoom());
139                                    }

140                                    caller.getSocket().close();
141                                }

142                            }

143                            catch(IOException e)
144                            {
145                            }

146                        }

147                    }

148                }

149            }

150        }

151        else
152        // the receiver exists
153        {
154            synchronized(callers)// lock to protect the data integrity
155            {
156                for(Caller caller: callers)
157                {
158                    if(caller.getSocket().getInetAddress().toString().equals(
159                            receiver.getIP()))
160                    {
161                        if(caller.getSocket().getPort() == receiver.getPort())
162                        {
163                            try
164                            {
165                                try
166                                {
167                                    ObjectOutputStream oos = caller
168                                            .getObjectOutputStream();
169                                    oos.reset();
170                                    oos.writeObject(new DataFrame(
171                                            correctInformation, object));//send correct message
172                                    oos.flush();
173                                }

174                                catch(InterruptedIOException iioe)// time is
175                                // up
176                                {
177                                    synchronized(this)
178                                    {
179                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
180                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
181                                                        caller.getSocket());
182                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
183                                                caller.getSocket());
184                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
185                                                .getRoom());
186                                    }

187                                    caller.getSocket().close();
188                                }

189                                catch(IOException e)// disconnected
190                                {
191                                    synchronized(this)
192                                    {
193                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
194                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
195                                                        caller.getSocket());
196                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
197                                                caller.getSocket());
198                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
199                                                .getRoom());
200                                    }

201                                    caller.getSocket().close();
202                                }

203                            }

204                            catch(IOException e)
205                            {
206                            }

207                        }

208                    }

209                }

210            }

211        }

212    }

213    /**
214     * method that will send a private message from the sender to the receiver
215     * 
216     * @param message
217     * @param receiver
218     * @param sender
219     */

220    public void sendPrivateMessage(String message, Chatter receiver,
221            Chatter sender)
222    {
223        if(message == null)
224        {
225            return;
226        }

227        if(receiver == null)// no such a receiver in the user list
228        {
229            synchronized(callers)// lock to protect the data integrity
230            {
231                for(Caller caller: callers)
232                {
233                    if(caller.getSocket().getInetAddress().toString().equals(
234                            sender.getIP()))// ip is the same
235                    {
236                        if(caller.getSocket().getPort() == sender.getPort())// port
237                        // is
238                        // the
239                        // same
240                        {
241                            try
242                            {
243                                try
244                                {
245                                    ObjectOutputStream oos = caller
246                                            .getObjectOutputStream();
247                                    oos.reset();
248                                    oos.writeObject(new DataFrame("Error",
249                                            "No such name"));// send error
250                                    // message back
251                                    // to the sender
252                                    oos.flush();
253                                }

254                                catch(InterruptedIOException iioe)
255                                {
256                                    synchronized(this)
257                                    {
258                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
259                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
260                                                        caller.getSocket());
261                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
262                                                caller.getSocket());
263                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
264                                                .getRoom());
265                                    }

266                                    caller.getSocket().close();
267                                }

268                                catch(IOException e)
269                                {
270                                    synchronized(this)
271                                    {
272                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
273                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
274                                                        caller.getSocket());
275                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
276                                                caller.getSocket());
277                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
278                                                .getRoom());
279                                    }

280                                    caller.getSocket().close();
281                                }

282                            }

283                            catch(IOException e)
284                            {
285                            }

286                        }

287                    }

288                }

289            }

290        }

291        else
292        // the receiver exists
293        {
294            synchronized(callers)// lock to protect the data integrity
295            {
296                for(Caller caller: callers)
297                {
298                    if(caller.getSocket().getInetAddress().toString().equals(
299                            receiver.getIP()))
300                    {
301                        if(caller.getSocket().getPort() == receiver.getPort())
302                        {
303                            try
304                            {
305                                try
306                                {
307                                    ObjectOutputStream oos = caller
308                                            .getObjectOutputStream();
309                                    oos.reset();
310                                    oos.writeObject(new DataFrame("Message",
311                                            "From " + sender.getName() + " To "
312                                                    + receiver.getName()
313                                                    + ":\n" + message));// send
314                                    // the
315                                    // private
316                                    // message
317                                    oos.flush();
318                                }

319                                catch(InterruptedIOException iioe)// time is
320                                // up
321                                {
322                                    synchronized(this)
323                                    {
324                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
325                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
326                                                        caller.getSocket());
327                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
328                                                caller.getSocket());
329                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
330                                                .getRoom());
331                                    }

332                                    caller.getSocket().close();
333                                }

334                                catch(IOException e)// disconnected
335                                {
336                                    synchronized(this)
337                                    {
338                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
339                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
340                                                        caller.getSocket());
341                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
342                                                caller.getSocket());
343                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
344                                                .getRoom());
345                                    }

346                                    caller.getSocket().close();
347                                }

348                            }

349                            catch(IOException e)
350                            {
351                            }

352                        }

353                    }

354                }

355            }

356            synchronized(callers)// lock to protect the data integrity
357            {
358                for(Caller caller: callers)
359                {
360                    if(caller.getSocket().getInetAddress().toString().equals(
361                            sender.getIP()))// ip is the same
362                    {
363                        if(caller.getSocket().getPort() == sender.getPort())// port
364                        // is
365                        // the
366                        // same
367                        {
368                            try
369                            {
370                                try
371                                {
372                                    ObjectOutputStream oos = caller
373                                            .getObjectOutputStream();
374                                    oos.reset();
375                                    oos.writeObject(new DataFrame("Message",
376                                            "From " + sender.getName() + " To "
377                                                    + receiver.getName()
378                                                    + ":\n" + message));// send
379                                    // the
380                                    // private
381                                    // message
382                                    oos.flush();
383                                }

384                                catch(InterruptedIOException iioe)
385                                {
386                                    synchronized(this)
387                                    {
388                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
389                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
390                                                        caller.getSocket());
391                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
392                                                caller.getSocket());
393                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
394                                                .getRoom());
395                                    }

396                                    caller.getSocket().close();
397                                }

398                                catch(IOException e)
399                                {
400                                    synchronized(this)
401                                    {
402                                        Chatter chatter = Secretary
403                                                .getSecretary().findChatter(
404                                                        caller.getSocket());
405                                        Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(
406                                                caller.getSocket());
407                                        this.notifyOffline(caller, chatter
408                                                .getRoom());
409                                    }

410                                    caller.getSocket().close();
411                                }

412                            }

413                            catch(IOException e)
414                            {
415                            }

416                        }

417                    }

418                }

419            }

420        }

421    }
422    /**
423     * method that will send the public message to all the people in that room
424     * 
425     * @param chatter
426     * @param message
427     */

428    public void sendPublicMessage(Chatter chatter, String message)
429    {
430        if(message == null)
431        {
432            return;
433        }

434        ArrayList<Caller> disconnects = new ArrayList<Caller>();
435        synchronized(callers)// lock to protect the data integrity
436        {
437            for(Caller caller: callers)
438            {
439                Chatter targetChatter = Secretary.getSecretary().findChatter(
440                        caller.getSocket());
441                if(targetChatter.getRoom().equals(chatter.getRoom()))
442                {
443                    try
444                    {
445                        ObjectOutputStream oos = caller.getObjectOutputStream();
446                        oos.reset();
447                        oos.writeObject(new DataFrame("Message""From "
448                                + chatter.getName() + " To " + "all" + ":\n"
449                                + message));// send the public message
450                        oos.flush();
451                    }

452                    catch(InterruptedIOException iioe)
453                    {
454                        disconnects.add(caller);
455                    }

456                    catch(IOException e)
457                    {
458                        disconnects.add(caller);
459                    }

460                }

461            }

462        }

463        for(Caller caller: disconnects)
464        {
465            try
466            {
467                synchronized(this)
468                {
469                    Chatter targetChatter = Secretary.getSecretary()
470                            .findChatter(caller.getSocket());
471                    Secretary.getSecretary().deleteRecord(caller.getSocket());
472                    this.notifyOffline(caller, targetChatter.getRoom());// notify
473                    // the
474                    // users
475                    // that
476                    // this
477                    // user has left
478                }

479                caller.getSocket().close();
480            }

481            catch(IOException e)
482            {
483            }

484        }

485    }

487    /**
488     * method that will notify all the people in the user's previous room that
489     * the user has left,and it will notify all the people in the user's next
490     * room that the user has joined,and it will also notify the people in the
491     * hall that the user has changed his room
492     * 
493     * @param previousRoom
494     * @param nextRoom
495     */

496    public void updateRooms(String previousRoom, String nextRoom)
497    {
498        synchronized(this.mc)
499        {
500            this.mc.setChanged();
501            this.mc.notifyObservers(previousRoom);
502            this.mc.setChanged();
503            this.mc.notifyObservers(nextRoom);
504        }

505    }

507    /**
508     * method that will find the chatter through the socket
509     * 
510     * @param socket
511     * @return Caller
512     */

513    public Caller findCaller(Socket socket)
514    {
515        synchronized(callers)
516        {
517            for(Caller caller: callers)
518            {
519                if(caller.getSocket().getInetAddress().equals(
520                        socket.getInetAddress())
521                        && caller.getSocket().getPort() == socket.getPort())
522                {
523                    return caller;
524                }

525            }

526        }

527        return null;
528    }

530    /**
531     * method that will notify all the people in the hall that a new user has
532     * joined
533     * 
534     * @param caller
535     */

536    public void notifyOnline(Caller caller)
537    {
538        if(caller != null)
539        {
540            synchronized(this)
541            {
542                synchronized(this.callers)
543                {
544                    this.callers.add(caller);
545                }

546                synchronized(this.mc)
547                {
548                    this.mc.addObserver(caller);
549                    this.mc.setChanged();
550                    this.mc.notifyObservers("Hall");
551                }

552            }

553        }

554    }

556    /**
557     * method that will notify the people in the user's room that he has
558     * left,and it will also notify all the people in the hall that the user has
559     * left
560     * 
561     * @param caller
562     * @param room
563     */

564    public void notifyOffline(Caller caller, String room)
565    {
566        if(caller != null)
567        {
568            synchronized(this)
569            {
570                synchronized(this.callers)
571                {
572                    this.callers.remove(caller);
573                }

574                synchronized(this.mc)
575                {
576                    this.mc.deleteObserver(caller);
577                    this.mc.setChanged();
578                    this.mc.notifyObservers(room);
579                }

580            }

581        }

582    }

584    /**
585     * method that will return the count of all the callers(connected endpoint)
586     * 
587     * @return total callers
588     */

589    public int count()
590    {
591        synchronized(this.callers)
592        {
593            return this.callers.size();
594        }

595    }


 1package networking;
 3import java.io.*;
 6 * class that will be used to transport through the network
 7 * 
 8 * @author 
 9 * @version 1.0
10 */

11public class DataFrame implements Serializable
13    /**
14     * Attributes
15     */

16    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
17    private String type;
18    private Object object;
20    /**
21     * Constructor
22     */

23    public DataFrame(String type, Object object)
24    {
25        this.type = type;
26        this.object = object;
27    }

29    /**
30     * getter
31     * 
32     * @return Objecct
33     */

34    public Object getObject()
35    {
36        return this.object;
37    }

39    /**
40     * getter
41     * 
42     * @return String
43     */

44    public String getType()
45    {
46        return this.type;
47    }


  1package networking;
  3import java.awt.*;
  4import javax.swing.*;
  5import javax.swing.text.*;
  8 * Class that will allow the users to choose emotion pictures
  9 * @author 
 10 * @version 1.0
 11 */

 12public class EmotionButtons extends JFrame
 14    /**
 15     * Attributes
 16     */

 17    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
 18    private JPanel jContentPane = null;
 19    private JDesktopPane jDesktopPane = null;
 20    private JButton jButton = null;
 21    private JButton jButton1 = null;
 22    private JButton jButton2 = null;
 23    private JButton jButton3 = null;
 24    private JButton jButton4 = null;
 25    private JButton jButton5 = null;
 26    private ClientGUI clientGUI = null;
 28    /**
 29     * This is the default constructor
 30     */

 31    public EmotionButtons(ClientGUI clientGUI)
 32    {
 33        this.clientGUI = clientGUI;
 34        initialize();
 35    }

 37    /**
 38     * This method initializes this
 39     * 
 40     * @return void
 41     */

 42    private void initialize()
 43    {
 44        this.setSize(757424);
 45        this.setContentPane(getJContentPane());
 46        this.setTitle("JFrame");
 47    }

 49    /**
 50     * This method initializes jContentPane
 51     * 
 52     * @return javax.swing.JPanel
 53     */

 54    private JPanel getJContentPane()
 55    {
 56        if(jContentPane == null)
 57        {
 58            jContentPane = new JPanel();
 59            jContentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
 60            jContentPane.add(getJDesktopPane(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
 61        }

 62        return jContentPane;
 63    }

 65    /**
 66     * This method initializes jDesktopPane
 67     * 
 68     * @return javax.swing.JDesktopPane
 69     */

 70    private JDesktopPane getJDesktopPane()
 71    {
 72        if(jDesktopPane == null)
 73        {
 74            jDesktopPane = new JDesktopPane();
 75            jDesktopPane.add(getJButton(), null);
 76            jDesktopPane.add(getJButton1(), null);
 77            jDesktopPane.add(getJButton2(), null);
 78            jDesktopPane.add(getJButton3(), null);
 79            jDesktopPane.add(getJButton4(), null);
 80            jDesktopPane.add(getJButton5(), null);
 81        }

 82        return jDesktopPane;
 83    }

 85    /**
 86     * This method initializes jButton
 87     * 
 88     * @return javax.swing.JButton
 89     */

 90    private JButton getJButton()
 91    {
 92        if(jButton == null)
 93        {
 94            jButton = new JButton();
 95            jButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(45780290307));
 96            jButton.setBorder(null);
 97            jButton.setIcon(new ImageIcon("../res/wodao.gif"));
 98            jButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
 99            {
100                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
101                {
102                    Document doc = clientGUI.getJContentTextArea()
103                            .getDocument();
104                    try
105                    {
106                        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "[em01]", clientGUI
107                                .getJContentTextArea().getStyle("[em01]"));
108                        EmotionButtons.this.dispose();
109                    }

110                    catch(BadLocationException ble)
111                    {
112                    }

113                }

114            }
115        }

116        return jButton;
117    }

119    /**
120     * This method initializes jButton1
121     * 
122     * @return javax.swing.JButton
123     */

124    private JButton getJButton1()
125    {
126        if(jButton1 == null)
127        {
128            jButton1 = new JButton();
129            jButton1.setBounds(new Rectangle(64280249));
130            jButton1.setBorder(null);
131            jButton1.setIcon(new ImageIcon("../res/daqiang.gif"));
132            jButton1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
133            {
134                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
135                {
136                    Document doc = clientGUI.getJContentTextArea()
137                            .getDocument();
138                    try
139                    {
140                        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "[em02]", clientGUI
141                                .getJContentTextArea().getStyle("[em02]"));
142                        EmotionButtons.this.dispose();
143                    }

144                    catch(BadLocationException ble)
145                    {
146                    }

147                }

148            }
149        }

150        return jButton1;
151    }

153    /**
154     * This method initializes jButton2
155     * 
156     * @return javax.swing.JButton
157     */

158    private JButton getJButton2()
159    {
160        if(jButton2 == null)
161        {
162            jButton2 = new JButton();
163            jButton2.setBounds(new Rectangle(31311100100));
164            jButton2.setBorder(null);
165            jButton2.setIcon(new ImageIcon("../res/zhaobian.jpg"));
166            jButton2.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
167            {
168                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
169                {
170                    Document doc = clientGUI.getJContentTextArea()
171                            .getDocument();
172                    try
173                    {
174                        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "[em03]", clientGUI
175                                .getJContentTextArea().getStyle("[em03]"));
176                        EmotionButtons.this.dispose();
177                    }

178                    catch(BadLocationException ble)
179                    {
180                    }

181                }

182            }
183        }

184        return jButton2;
185    }

187    /**
188     * This method initializes jButton3
189     * 
190     * @return javax.swing.JButton
191     */

192    private JButton getJButton3()
193    {
194        if(jButton3 == null)
195        {
196            jButton3 = new JButton();
197            jButton3.setBounds(new Rectangle(312257100120));
198            jButton3.setBorder(null);
199            jButton3.setIcon(new ImageIcon("../res/shi.gif"));
200            jButton3.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
201            {
202                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
203                {
204                    Document doc = clientGUI.getJContentTextArea()
205                            .getDocument();
206                    try
207                    {
208                        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "[em04]", clientGUI
209                                .getJContentTextArea().getStyle("[em04]"));
210                        EmotionButtons.this.dispose();
211                    }

212                    catch(BadLocationException ble)
213                    {
214                    }

215                }

216            }
217        }

218        return jButton3;
219    }

221    /**
222     * This method initializes jButton4
223     * 
224     * @return javax.swing.JButton
225     */

226    private JButton getJButton4()
227    {
228        if(jButton4 == null)
229        {
230            jButton4 = new JButton();
231            jButton4.setBounds(new Rectangle(15228510592));
232            jButton4.setBorder(null);
233            jButton4.setIcon(new ImageIcon("../res/buhuiba.jpg"));
234            jButton4.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
235            {
236                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
237                {
238                    Document doc = clientGUI.getJContentTextArea()
239                            .getDocument();
240                    try
241                    {
242                        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "[em05]", clientGUI
243                                .getJContentTextArea().getStyle("[em05]"));
244                        EmotionButtons.this.dispose();
245                    }

246                    catch(BadLocationException ble)
247                    {
248                    }

249                }

250            }
251        }

252        return jButton4;
253    }

255    /**
256     * This method initializes jButton5
257     * 
258     * @return javax.swing.JButton
259     */

260    private JButton getJButton5()
261    {
262        if(jButton5 == null)
263        {
264            jButton5 = new JButton();
265            jButton5.setBounds(new Rectangle(302127128128));
266            jButton5.setBorder(null);
267            jButton5.setIcon(new ImageIcon("../res/buyaofanwo.gif"));
268            jButton5.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
269            {
270                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
271                {
272                    Document doc = clientGUI.getJContentTextArea()
273                            .getDocument();
274                    try
275                    {
276                        doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), "[em06]", clientGUI
277                                .getJContentTextArea().getStyle("[em06]"));
278                        EmotionButtons.this.dispose();
279                    }

280                    catch(BadLocationException ble)
281                    {
282                    }

283                }

284            }
285        }

286        return jButton5;
287    }


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