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Declarations and Definitions

Posted on 2007-10-20 18:47  arowana  阅读(249)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
A declaration is the all-encompassing term for anything that tells the compiler about an identifier.                
A definition defines the storage, value, body, or contents of a declaration. The difference between a declaration and a definition is that a declaration tells you an entity's name and the external view of the entity, such as an object's type or a function's parameters, and a definition provides the internal workings of the entity: the storage and initial value of an object, a function body, and so on.
--------<<C++ in a Nutshell>>



int main()
int a;   //声明了a;但没有定义;a=0;定义a;
   return a;

C新手可能会认为上述代码一点问题都没有。可是却犯了只声明(declaration)没有定义(definition)的错误。用visual studio 2005 编译这段代码会有以下提示:
                 Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'a' is being used without being defined.

定义以后再使用变量在其他语言中更为重要: 例如 c#,java; 这两个语言以引用类型居多,并不会在申明类型的同时在堆栈中分配内存,而分配的只是一个4字节的引用。