c# lambda



   public class MyLambda
        public delegate void NoReturnNoPara();
        public delegate void NoReturnNoWithPara(int id, string name);
        public delegate int WithReturnNoPara();
        // public delegate Delet WithReturnWithPara();

        public void Show()
                NoReturnNoWithPara noReturnNoPara = new NoReturnNoWithPara(Study);
                noReturnNoPara(123, "阿发");

               int i=0; 
NoReturnNoWithPara noReturnNoPara =
new NoReturnNoWithPara((id, name) => { Console.WriteLine($"This is {id}-{name}");
                 int j=i;//可以访问局部变量 }); noReturnNoPara(123, "阿发"); } 
                NoReturnNoWithPara noReturnNoPara = new NoReturnNoWithPara((id, name) =>
                    Console.WriteLine($"This is {id}-{name}")
); noReturnNoPara(
123, "阿发"); } { //实例化委托的时候,可以省略掉new NoReturnNoWithPara --这也是语法糖。 NoReturnNoWithPara noReturnNoPara = (id, name) => Console.WriteLine($"This is {id}-{name}"); noReturnNoPara(123, "阿发"); } { //注意:基于lambda表达式注册的多播委托是无法移除的。因为任何一个lambda表达式都是独立的,所以无法移除,只能添加。 NoReturnNoWithPara method = (id, name) => Console.WriteLine($"This is {id}-{name}"); method += (id, name) => Console.WriteLine($"This is {id}-{name}"); method -= (id, name) => Console.WriteLine($"This is {id}-{name}"); method(123, "阿发"); } { //其他lambda写法 //Func存在0到16个参数,不带返回值 泛型委托 Action<string> action = s => { Console.WriteLine("e"); }; Action action0 = () => { Console.WriteLine("e"); }; //如果方法体只有一行,可以省略掉大括号,分号,和return //Func存在0到16个参数,带返回值 泛型委托 Func<int> func = () => DateTime.Now.Year; Func<int, string> func1 = (i) => i.ToString(); } } private void Study(int id, string name) { Console.WriteLine($"This is {id}-{name}"); } }



  public class LambdaOther
        /// <summary>
        /// 这个就是属性
        /// </summary>
        public string Name => "test";

        public string Remark
            get => "tets";
        public string Get() => "返回string的Get方法";
        #region Id和下面id1是一样的,只不过是写法不同
        public int Id { get; set; } = 123;
        private int _id1 = 123;
        public int Id1
            get { return _id1; }
            set { _id1 = value; }




 看下面的代码,如果我们要去数据库查询数据的话,肯定是要通过sql,那么下面的lambda表达式(s => s.Id > 100 && s.Name.Contains("1"))是如何转换成sql的呢?

                var userDbSet = new List<Student>().AsQueryable(); 
                var userList = userDbSet.Where(s => s.Id > 100 && s.Name.Contains("1"));




        // 摘要:
        //     Filters a sequence of values based on a predicate.
        // 参数:
        //   source:
        //     An System.Linq.IQueryable`1 to filter.
        //   predicate:
        //     A function to test each element for a condition.
        // 类型参数:
        //   TSource:
        //     The type of the elements of source.
        // 返回结果:
        //     An System.Linq.IQueryable`1 that contains elements from the input sequence that
        //     satisfy the condition specified by predicate.
        // 异常:
        //   T:System.ArgumentNullException:
        //     source or predicate is null.
        public static IQueryable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate);



                Func<Student, bool> func = s => s.Id > 100 && s.Name.Contains("1");
                Expression<Func<Student, bool>> predicate= s => s.Id > 100 && s.Name.Contains("1");



                #region 3.0出了个匿名类  
                    Student student = new Student()
                        Id = 1,
                        Name = "Richard",
                        Age = 25,
                        ClassId = 2

                    object model = new//3.0    
                        Id = 2,
                        Name = "undefined",
                        Age = 25,
                        ClassId = 2,
                        Teacher = "Richard"

                    //Console.WriteLine(model.Id); //,;

                    //dynamic避开编译器检查 (4.0)
                    dynamic dModel = new//
                        Id = 2,
                        Name = "undefined",
                        Age = 25,
                        ClassId = 2

                    // Console.WriteLine(dModel.Js);// 会报异常,也只是在运行这段代码的时候报异常,而不是在编译阶段

                    //var 语法糖
                    var model1 = new //不能声明方法
                        Id = 2,
                        Name = "undefined",
                        Age = 25,
                        ClassId = 2,
                        Teacher = "Richard"


posted @ 2021-08-18 22:00  安静点--  阅读(1331)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报