python文件读取,替换(带格式,python lib 库)

import os, time
import sys
import re

def read_old_part(filename, start, end):
    content = []
    recording = False
    with open(filename) as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if line == end:
            if recording:
            if line == start:
                recording = True
    #    return '\n'.join(content)
    return content

def read_all_part(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
    return lines

def read_all_part_strip(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        all_part = []
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
    return all_part

filename = "test.log"
start = 'def find_vcvarsall(version):'
end = 'def query_vcvarsall(version, arch="x86"):'
add_str1 = '''    vcvarsall = r"C:\Users\yuxinglx\AppData\Local\Programs\Common\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0\vcvarsall.bat"\n'''
add_str2 = "    return vcvarsall\n\n"
old_str = read_old_part(filename, start, end)
all_str = read_all_part(filename)
add_str_strip = read_all_part_strip(filename)
old_str_nu = len(old_str)
all_str_nu = len(all_str)
all_str_strip_nu = len(add_str_strip)

if all_str_nu == all_str_strip_nu:
    for line in old_str:
        if line in add_str_strip:
            all_str_strip_nu = add_str_strip.index(old_str[0])

    del all_str[all_str_strip_nu:(old_str_nu + all_str_strip_nu)]
    all_str_nu = add_str_strip.index(start)
    all_str.insert(all_str_nu + 1, add_str1)
    all_str.insert(all_str_nu + 2, add_str2)
    f = open('test.txt', 'w')
    print "it's worng"



        if i not in newList:
    newVariable = os.pathsep.join(newList)
    return newVariable

def find_vcvarsall(version):
    """Find the vcvarsall.bat file

    At first it tries to find the productdir of VS 2008 in the registry. If
    that fails it falls back to the VS90COMNTOOLS env var.
    vsbase = VS_BASE % version
        productdir = Reg.get_value(r"%s\Setup\VC" % vsbase,
    except KeyError:
        productdir = None

    # trying Express edition
    if productdir is None:
        vsbase = VSEXPRESS_BASE % version
            productdir = Reg.get_value(r"%s\Setup\VC" % vsbase,
        except KeyError:
            productdir = None
            log.debug("Unable to find productdir in registry")

    if not productdir or not os.path.isdir(productdir):
        toolskey = "VS%0.f0COMNTOOLS" % version
        toolsdir = os.environ.get(toolskey, None)

        if toolsdir and os.path.isdir(toolsdir):
            productdir = os.path.join(toolsdir, os.pardir, os.pardir, "VC")
            productdir = os.path.abspath(productdir)
            if not os.path.isdir(productdir):
                log.debug("%s is not a valid directory" % productdir)
                return None
            log.debug("Env var %s is not set or invalid" % toolskey)
    if not productdir:
        log.debug("No productdir found")
        return None
    vcvarsall = os.path.join(productdir, "vcvarsall.bat")
    if os.path.isfile(vcvarsall):
        return vcvarsall
    log.debug("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat")
    return None

def query_vcvarsall(version, arch="x86"):
    """Launch vcvarsall.bat and read the settings from its environment
    vcvarsall = find_vcvarsall(version)
    interesting = set(("include", "lib", "libpath", "path"))
    result = {}

    if vcvarsall is None:
        raise DistutilsPlatformError("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat")
    log.debug("Calling 'vcvarsall.bat %s' (version=%s)", arch, version)
    popen = subprocess.Popen('"%s" %s & set' % (vcvarsall, arch),


        if i not in newList:
    newVariable = os.pathsep.join(newList)
    return newVariable

def find_vcvarsall(version):
    vcvarsall = r"C:\Users\yuxinglx\AppData\Local\Programs\Common\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0cvarsall.bat"
    return vcvarsall
def query_vcvarsall(version, arch="x86"): """Launch vcvarsall.bat and read the settings from its environment """ vcvarsall = find_vcvarsall(version) interesting = set(("include", "lib", "libpath", "path")) result = {} if vcvarsall is None: raise DistutilsPlatformError("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat") log.debug("Calling 'vcvarsall.bat %s' (version=%s)", arch, version) popen = subprocess.Popen('"%s" %s & set' % (vcvarsall, arch), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) try:


posted @ 2018-07-03 13:23  Anita_harbour  阅读(508)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报