Jquery从入门到精通:二、选择器 1、准备篇 (2)$()工厂方法











节选自《Learning Jquery》:

The $() Factory Function
No matter which type of selector we want to use in jQuery—be it CSS, XPath, or custom—we always start with the dollar sign and parentheses: $()
As mentioned in Chapter 1, the $() function removes the need to do a for loop to access a group of elements since whatever we put inside the parentheses will be looped through automatically and stored as a jQuery object. We can put just about anything inside the parentheses of the $() function. A few of the more common examples include:
A tag name: $('p') gets all paragraphs in the document.
An ID: $('#some-id') gets the single element in the document that has the corresponding some-id ID.
A class: $('.some-class') gets all elements in the document that have a class of some-class.
Making jQuery Play Well with Other JavaScript Libraries
In jQuery, the dollar sign $ is simply shorthand for jQuery. Because a $()
function is very common in JavaScript libraries, conflicts could arise if more than one of these libraries is being used in a given page. We can avoid such conflicts by replacing every instance of $ with jQuery in our custom jQuery code. Additional solutions to this problem are addressed in Chapter 10.
•Now that we have covered the basics, we're ready to start exploring some more powerful uses of selectors.

posted @ 2008-11-04 16:27  学-无-止-境  阅读(2782)  评论(18编辑  收藏  举报