
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;

namespace Emao_ListView
    public class MyListView : System.Windows.Forms.ListView
        #region Private Members

        private ListViewItem m_previousItem;
        private bool m_allowReorder;
        private Color m_lineColor;


        #region Public Properties

        public bool AllowReorder
            get { return m_allowReorder; }
            set { m_allowReorder = value; }

        public Color LineColor
            get { return m_lineColor; }
            set { m_lineColor = value; }


        #region Protected and Public Methods

        public MyListView()
            : base()
            this.FullRowSelect = true;
            this.GridLines = true;
            this.View = View.Details;
            m_allowReorder = true;
            m_lineColor = Color.Red;
            SetStyle(System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer |
                              System.Windows.Forms.ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer |
        protected override void OnDragDrop(DragEventArgs drgevent)
            if (!m_allowReorder)

            // get the currently hovered row that the items will be dragged to
            Point clientPoint = base.PointToClient(new Point(drgevent.X, drgevent.Y));
            ListViewItem hoverItem = base.GetItemAt(clientPoint.X, clientPoint.Y);

            if (!drgevent.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(DragItemData).ToString()) || ((DragItemData)drgevent.Data.GetData(typeof(DragItemData).ToString())).ListView == null || ((DragItemData)drgevent.Data.GetData(typeof(DragItemData).ToString())).DragItems.Count == 0)

            // retrieve the drag item data
            DragItemData data = (DragItemData)drgevent.Data.GetData(typeof(DragItemData).ToString());

            if (hoverItem == null)
                // the user does not wish to re-order the items, just append to the end
                for (int i = 0; i < data.DragItems.Count; i++)
                    ListViewItem newItem = (ListViewItem)data.DragItems[i];
                // the user wishes to re-order the items

                // get the index of the hover item
                int hoverIndex = hoverItem.Index;

                // determine if the items to be dropped are from
                // this list view. If they are, perform a hack
                // to increment the hover index so that the items
                // get moved properly.
                if (this == data.ListView)
                    if (hoverIndex > base.SelectedItems[0].Index)

                // insert the new items into the list view
                // by inserting the items reversely from the array list
                for (int i = data.DragItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ListViewItem newItem = (ListViewItem)data.DragItems[i];
                    base.Items.Insert(hoverIndex, newItem);

            // remove all the selected items from the previous list view
            // if the list view was found
            if (data.ListView != null)
                foreach (ListViewItem itemToRemove in data.ListView.SelectedItems)

            // set the back color of the previous item, then nullify it
            if (m_previousItem != null)
                m_previousItem = null;


            // call the base on drag drop to raise the event

        protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs drgevent)
            if (!m_allowReorder)

            if (!drgevent.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(DragItemData).ToString()))
                // the item(s) being dragged do not have any data associated
                drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;

            if (base.Items.Count > 0)
                // get the currently hovered row that the items will be dragged to
                Point clientPoint = base.PointToClient(new Point(drgevent.X, drgevent.Y));
                ListViewItem hoverItem = base.GetItemAt(clientPoint.X, clientPoint.Y);

                Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

                if (hoverItem == null)
                    //MessageBox.Show(base.GetChildAtPoint(new Point(clientPoint.X, clientPoint.Y)).GetType().ToString());

                    // no item was found, so no drop should take place
                    drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

                    if (m_previousItem != null)
                        m_previousItem = null;

                    hoverItem = base.Items[base.Items.Count - 1];

                    if (this.View == View.Details || this.View == View.List)
                        g.DrawLine(new Pen(m_lineColor, 2), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + this.Bounds.Width, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height));
                        g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height - 5), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height + 5) });
                        g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(this.Bounds.Width - 4, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height - 5), new Point(this.Bounds.Width - 9, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height), new Point(this.Bounds.Width - 4, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height + 5) });
                        g.DrawLine(new Pen(m_lineColor, 2), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height));
                        g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width - 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width + 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + 5) });
                        g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width - 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width + 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + hoverItem.Bounds.Width, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height - 5) });

                    // call the base OnDragOver event


                // determine if the user is currently hovering over a new
                // item. If so, set the previous item's back color back
                // to the default color.
                if ((m_previousItem != null && m_previousItem != hoverItem) || m_previousItem == null)

                // set the background color of the item being hovered
                // and assign the previous item to the item being hovered
                //hoverItem.BackColor = Color.Beige;
                m_previousItem = hoverItem;

                if (this.View == View.Details || this.View == View.List)
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(m_lineColor, 2), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + this.Bounds.Width, hoverItem.Bounds.Y));
                    g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y - 5), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + 5) });
                    g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(this.Bounds.Width - 4, hoverItem.Bounds.Y - 5), new Point(this.Bounds.Width - 9, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(this.Bounds.Width - 4, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + 5) });
                    g.DrawLine(new Pen(m_lineColor, 2), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height));
                    g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X - 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + 5) });
                    g.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(m_lineColor), new Point[] { new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X - 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X + 5, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height), new Point(hoverItem.Bounds.X, hoverItem.Bounds.Y + hoverItem.Bounds.Height - 5) });

                // go through each of the selected items, and if any of the
                // selected items have the same index as the item being
                // hovered, disable dropping.
                foreach (ListViewItem itemToMove in base.SelectedItems)
                    if (itemToMove.Index == hoverItem.Index)
                        drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;

                // ensure that the hover item is visible

            // everything is fine, allow the user to move the items
            drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

            // call the base OnDragOver event

        protected override void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs drgevent)
            if (!m_allowReorder)

            if (!drgevent.Data.GetDataPresent(typeof(DragItemData).ToString()))
                // the item(s) being dragged do not have any data associated
                drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;

            // everything is fine, allow the user to move the items
            drgevent.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;

            // call the base OnDragEnter event

        protected override void OnItemDrag(ItemDragEventArgs e)
            if (!m_allowReorder)

            // call the DoDragDrop method
            base.DoDragDrop(GetDataForDragDrop(), DragDropEffects.Move);

            // call the base OnItemDrag event

        protected override void OnLostFocus(EventArgs e)
            // reset the selected items background and remove the previous item


            // call the OnLostFocus event

        protected override void OnDragLeave(EventArgs e)
            // reset the selected items background and remove the previous item


            // call the base OnDragLeave event

        #region Private Methods

        private DragItemData GetDataForDragDrop()
            // create a drag item data object that will be used to pass along with the drag and drop
            DragItemData data = new DragItemData(this);

            // go through each of the selected items and 
            // add them to the drag items collection
            // by creating a clone of the list item
            foreach (ListViewItem item in this.SelectedItems)

            return data;

        private void ResetOutOfRange()
            // determine if the previous item exists,
            // if it does, reset the background and release 
            // the previous item
            if (m_previousItem != null)
                m_previousItem = null;



        #region DragItemData Class

        private class DragItemData
            #region Private Members

            private MyListView m_listView;
            private ArrayList m_dragItems;


            #region Public Properties

            public MyListView ListView
                get { return m_listView; }

            public ArrayList DragItems
                get { return m_dragItems; }


            #region Public Methods and Implementation

            public DragItemData(MyListView listView)
                m_listView = listView;
                m_dragItems = new ArrayList();



要启用拖放行,设置一下  AllowRecoder为true即可。另外多行选择=false



posted @ 2014-01-17 00:20  安度  阅读(243)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报