2.2 - 函数练习题

 1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 2 #输入用户名密码,正确登录,打印信息,可修改,存回文件
 4 def print_user_info(account_dic,username):
 5     person_info = account_dic[username]
 6     msg = ''' 
 7     Name:  %s
 8     Age:   %s
 9     Job:   %s
10     Dept:  %s
11     Phone: %s
12     ''' % (person_info[2],
13            person_info[3],
14            person_info[4],
15            person_info[5],
16            person_info[6])
17     print(msg)
19 def save_back_to_file(account_dic):
20     f.seek(0)
21     f.truncate()
22     for line in account_dic:
23         row = ','.join(account_dic[line])
24         f.write('%s\n' % row)
25     f.flush()
27 def update_user_info(account_dic,username):
28     person_info = account_dic[username]
29     print('old data:', person_info)
30     str = ['Username','Password','Name','Age','Job','Dept','Phone']
31     for index, i in enumerate(person_info):
32         if index > 1:   #用户名 密码 不显示
33             print('%s. %s:  %s' % (index, str[index], i))
34     choice = input('select column id to change >>>:').strip()
35     if choice.isdigit():
36         choice = int(choice)
37         if choice > 1 and choice < len(person_info):
38             print('current value:', person_info[choice])
39             new_val = input('new value:').strip()
40             if new_val: #不为空
41                 person_info[choice] = new_val
42                 print('new data:', person_info)
43                 save_back_to_file(account_dic)
44             else:
45                 print('不能为空!')
48 f = open('account.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8')
49 data = f.readlines()
50 # print(data)
51 account_dic = {}
53 for i in data:
54     items = i.replace(' ', '').split(',')
55     account_dic[items[0]] = items   # 将文件读出来存到字典形式中
56 # print(account_dic)
58 msg = '''
59 1.打印个人信息
60 2.修改个人信息
61 '''
63 count = 0
64 while count < 3:
65     username = input('Username:').strip()
66     password = input('Password:').strip()
67     if username in account_dic:
68         if password == account_dic[username][1]:
69             print('welcome %s '.center(50,'-') % username)
70             while True:
71                 print(msg)
72                 user_choice = input('>>>:').strip()
73                 if user_choice.isdigit():
74                     user_choice = int(user_choice)
75                     if user_choice == 1:
76                         print_user_info(account_dic,username)
77                     elif user_choice == 2:
78                         update_user_info(account_dic,username)
80                 elif user_choice == 'q':
81                     exit('bye bye')
82         else:
83             print('Wrong Username or password')
84     else:
85         print('Username dose not exist')
86     count += 1
87 else:
88     print('Too many attempts')
89 f.close()



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