无线路由器wifi TX/RX率和实际吞吐量的区别

无意中发现无线路由器中 wifi  TX/RX率都超过100M bit/s,但是电脑实际上10M bit/s都没有。网上查到两个解释:

“The TX/RX rate is the rate that "the radios talk to each other" !

It is NOT the same as the speed of the data (Ethernet throughput) that you have going through the connection.”


“Over the air rate and net throughput are two different things. There is close to 40-50% overhead in wireless transmissions so modulation rate (OTA), expect 50-60% of that. ”







posted @ 2018-12-27 12:05  Adano1  阅读(2756)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报