

  • 三级菜单
  • 可依次选择进入各子菜单
  • 所需知识点:列表、字典
 1 #!/usr/local/env python3
 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 3 '''
 4 Author:@Alvin Lv
 5 Blog:http://www.cnblogs.com/Xiaolong-Lv/
 6 E-mail:lxtxlxl@163.com
 7 '''
 8 import sys
 9 CityList ={
10 "华北地区":{
11     "北京市":['东城区','西城区','崇文区','宣武区','朝阳区','丰台区','石景山区','海淀区','门头沟区','房山区','通州区','顺义区','昌平区','大兴区','怀柔区','平谷区','密云县','延庆县'],
12     "天津市":['和平区', '河东区', '河西区', '南开区', '河北区', '红桥区', '塘沽区', '汉沽区', '大港区', '东丽区', '西青区', '津南区','北辰区', '武清区', '宝坻区', '宁河县', '静海县', '蓟县'],
13     "河北省":['石家庄市','秦皇岛市'],
14     "山西省":['太原市','大同市'],
15     "内蒙古自治区":['呼和浩特市','包头市']
16     },
17 "东北地区":{
18     "辽宁省":["铁岭市","阜新市","朝阳市","沈阳市"],
19     "吉林省":['长春市','吉林市','辽源市'],
20     "黑龙江省":['哈尔滨市','齐齐哈尔市']
21     },
22 "华东地区":{
23     "上海市":["浦东新区","长宁区","宝山区","青浦区"],
24     "江苏省":['南京市','徐州市'],
25     "浙江省":['杭州市','宁波市'],
26     "安徽省":['合肥市','淮南市'],
27     "福建省":['福州市','厦门市'],
28     "江西省":['南昌市','景德镇市'],
29     "山东省":["济南市","青岛市","潍坊市","德州市"]
30     },
31 }
32 exitFlag = False      #设置一个标志位
33 while not exitFlag:
34     Count_1 = 0        #
35     for index,keys in enumerate(CityList.keys()):    
36         Count_1 += 1      #
37         print("地区编号:%s\t\t地区名称:%s" % (index,keys))
38     choice_1 = input("请选择地区编号(q为退出):").strip()
39     if choice_1.isdigit():
40         choice_1 = int(choice_1)
41         if choice_1 >= 0 and choice_1 < Count_1:
42             key_1 = list(CityList.keys())[choice_1]
43             while not exitFlag:
44                 Count_2 = 0
45                 for index,keys in enumerate(CityList[key_1]):
46                     Count_2 += 1
47                     print("省市编号:%s\t\t省市名称:%s" % (index,keys))
48                 choice_2 = input("请选择省市编号(b为返回上级菜单):").strip()
49                 if choice_2.isdigit():
50                     choice_2 = int(choice_2)
51                     if choice_2 >= 0 and choice_2 < Count_2:
52                         key_2 = list(CityList[key_1].keys())[choice_2]
53                         while not exitFlag:
54                             Count_3 = 0
55                             for index,keys in enumerate(CityList[key_1][key_2]):
56                                 Count_3 += 1
57                                 print("城市编号:%s\t\t城市名称:%s" % (index,keys))
58                             choice_3 = input("请选择城市编号(b为返回上级菜单,q为退出):").strip()
59                             if choice_3.isdigit():
60                                 choice_3 = int(choice_3)
61                                 if choice_3 >= 0 and choice_3 < Count_3:
62                                     key_3 = list(CityList[key_1][key_2])[choice_3]
63                                     print("你当前所在的位置:%s\t%s\t%s" % (key_1,key_2,key_3))
64                                     print("当前位置为最后一层!系统将返回上一级!")
65                                     break
66                                 else:
67                                     print("你的输入不在指定范围内!")
68                             elif choice_3 == 'q':
69                                 exitFlag = True
70                             elif choice_3 == 'b':
71                                 print("即将返回上级菜单!")
72                                 break
73                             else:
74                                 print("请输入整数参数!")
75                 elif choice_2 == 'b':
76                     print("即将返回上级菜单!")
77                     break
78                 else:
79                     print("请输入整数参数!")
80         else:
81             print("你的输入不在指定范围内!")
82     elif choice_1 == 'q':
83         sys.exit(0)
84     else:
85         print("请输入整数参数!")
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posted @ 2016-01-13 00:20  lxtxlxl  阅读(276)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报