如何调试由于heap corruption导致的程序崩溃的简单示例

很多情况下,很多程序的崩溃都是与heap corruption有关。一旦找到程序的崩溃是由heap corruption导致后,我们就需要启用debug page heap.这样可以在heap corruption的时候最大可能的获取更多关于heap的相关信息。 

1.       通过以下方法启用debug page heap.

方法1pageheap.exe <processname>

方法2gflat.exe /i <process name> +hpa

实际上,以上命令的作用是在注册表Image File Execution Mapping键值下创建相应的register key.

2.       以上设置好之后,然后安装调试器如windbg, 来抓取问题发生时候的crash dump.

Adplus.vbs –crash –p <process name> -o c:\outpath –quiet.

3.       重现问题后,便会生成相应的crash dump.

4.       以下是一个简要的heap corruption发生后的dump 分析。

0:025> kpL

ChildEBP RetAddr 

2058f230 7c993319 ntdll!DbgBreakPoint(void)

2058f240 7c9a7979 ntdll!RtlpPageHeapStop(unsigned long Code = 0xf, char * Message = 0x7c9a7c90 "corrupted suffix pattern", unsigned long Param1 = 0x4671000, char * Description1 = 0x7c9a7c84 "Heap handle", unsigned long Param2 = 0x78d54690, char * Description2 = 0x7c9a7c78 "Heap block", unsigned long Param3 = 0x418, char * Description3 = 0x7c9a7c6c "Block size", unsigned long Param4 = 0x78d54aa8, char * Description4 = 0x7c9a7c58 "corruption address")+0x72

2058f2bc 7c9a8b43 ntdll!RtlpDphReportCorruptedBlock(void * Heap = 0x04671000, unsigned long Context = 4, void * Block = 0x78d54690, struct _DPH_VALIDATION_INFORMATION * ValidationInformation = 0x2058f2e0)+0x1cf

2058f2ec 7c9a8da4 ntdll!RtlpDphNormalHeapFree(struct _DPH_HEAP_ROOT * Heap = 0x04671000, void * NtHeap = 0x04770000, unsigned long Flags = 0x1001002, void * Block = 0x78d54690)+0x32

2058f344 7c9abc7b ntdll!RtlpDebugPageHeapFree(void * HeapHandle = 0x04670000, unsigned long Flags = 0x1001002, void * Address = 0x78d54690)+0x146

2058f3ac 7c98575a ntdll!RtlDebugFreeHeap(void * HeapHandle = 0x04670000, unsigned long Flags = 0x1001002, void * BaseAddress = 0x78d54690)+0x2c

2058f484 7c96e608 ntdll!RtlFreeHeapSlowly(void * HeapHandle = 0x04670000, unsigned long Flags = 0x1001002, void * BaseAddress = 0x78d54690)+0x37

2058f568 78134c39 ntdll!RtlFreeHeap(void * HeapHandle = 0x04670000, unsigned long Flags = 0x1001002, void * BaseAddress = 0x78d54690)+0x11a

2058f5b4 637150f1 msvcr80!free(void * pBlock = 0x78d54690)+0xcd

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.

2058f600 774fa4a2 CustomerModule!DllUnregisterServer+0xf31

2058f624 774e3427 ole32!CStdMarshal::Disconnect(unsigned long dwType = 1)+0x26c

2058f634 774e33f9 ole32!CStdMarshal::HandlePendingDisconnect(HRESULT hr = 0x00000000)+0x2b

2058f684 774e3294 ole32!CRemoteUnknown::RemReleaseWorker(unsigned short cInterfaceRefs = 2, struct tagREMINTERFACEREF * InterfaceRefs = 0x001abbe0, int fTopLevel = 1)+0x1bd

2058f698 77c50193 ole32!CRemoteUnknown::RemRelease(unsigned short cInterfaceRefs = 2, struct tagREMINTERFACEREF * InterfaceRefs = 0x001abbe0)+0x15

2058f6b8 77cb33e1 rpcrt4!Invoke(void)+0x30

2058fab8 77cb2ed5 rpcrt4!NdrStubCall2(struct IRpcStubBuffer * pThis = 0x1ff70fe0, struct IRpcChannelBuffer * pChannel = 0x066bee5c, struct _RPC_MESSAGE * pRpcMsg = 0x74d5dc38, unsigned long * pdwStubPhase = 0x2058faf4)+0x299

2058fb10 775cd01b rpcrt4!CStdStubBuffer_Invoke(struct IRpcStubBuffer * This = 0x1ff70fe0, struct tagRPCOLEMESSAGE * prpcmsg = 0x74d5dc38, struct IRpcChannelBuffer * pRpcChannelBuffer = 0x066bee5c)+0xc6

2058fb54 775ccfc8 ole32!SyncStubInvoke(struct tagRPCOLEMESSAGE * pMsg = 0x74d5dc38, struct _GUID * riid = 0x0663afbc, class CIDObject * pID = 0x00000000, struct IRpcChannelBuffer * pChnl = 0x066bee5c, struct IRpcStubBuffer * pStub = 0x1ff70fe0, unsigned long * pdwFault = 0x2058fcfc)+0x37

2058fb9c 7750120b ole32!StubInvoke(struct tagRPCOLEMESSAGE * pMsg = 0x74d5dc38, class CStdIdentity * pStdID = 0x2002cf20, struct IRpcStubBuffer * pStub = 0x1ff70fe0, struct IRpcChannelBuffer * pChnl = 0x066bee5c, struct tagIPIDEntry * pIPIDEntry = 0x80004021, unsigned long * pdwFault = 0x2058fcfc)+0xa7

2058fc78 77500bf5 ole32!CCtxComChnl::ContextInvoke(struct tagRPCOLEMESSAGE * pMessage = 0x00000000, struct IRpcStubBuffer * pStub = 0x1ff70fe0, struct tagIPIDEntry * pIPIDEntry = 0x0392a330, unsigned long * pdwFault = 0x2058fcfc)+0xec

0:025> dt _DPH_VALIDATION_INFORMATION 0x2058f2e0

   +0x000 ReasonCode       : 0x10

   +0x004 ExceptionCode    : 0x4675000

   +0x008 CorruptionLocation : 0x78d54aa8 (该地址就是程序试图访问的地址,实际上在启用了调试功能时,该地址上应该写上了相应的栅栏值)


//说明:根据Debug page heap的存储结构,在_DPH_BLOCK_INFORMATION下面存储的就是用户数据区。而_DPH_BLOCK_INFORMATIONsize大小为20,其结构如下所示:

0:025> dt _dph_block_information


   +0x000 StartStamp       : Uint4B

   +0x004 Heap             : Ptr32 Void

   +0x008 RequestedSize    : Uint4B

   +0x00c ActualSize       : Uint4B

   +0x010 FreeQueue        : _LIST_ENTRY

   +0x010 FreePushList     : _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY

   +0x010 TraceIndex       : Uint2B

   +0x018 StackTrace       : Ptr32 Void

   +0x01c EndStamp         : Uint4B



0:025> dt 0x78d54690-0x20 _dph_block_information


   +0x000 StartStamp       : 0xabcdaaaa

   +0x004 Heap             : 0x84671000

   +0x008 RequestedSize    : 0x418

   +0x00c ActualSize       : 0x440

   +0x010 FreeQueue        : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x0 - 0x0 ]

   +0x010 FreePushList     : _SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY

   +0x010 TraceIndex       : 0

   +0x018 StackTrace       : (null)

   +0x01c EndStamp         : 0xdcbaaaaa



0:025> dd 0x78d54690+0x418 L4

78d54aa8 00000000 a0a0a0a0 00000000 00000000

可以看到,本来应该为a0a0a0a0的栅栏值被冲毁!表明heap corruption发生了。


0:025> ?0x78d54690+0x418

Evaluate expression: 2027244200 = 78d54aa8

实际上,我们看到发生Access Violation的地址也正是用户请求的数据区域之后紧接的栅栏地址。


OK,目前知道了heap 被冲毁了,那么我们就需要知道如何被冲毁的了。

这时候,我们就需要拿到call stack中涉及到的modulesymbol文件,这样我们就可以定位到那个函数导致了该heap corruption.


posted on 2009-12-16 17:31  飞天舞者  阅读(2265)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


For more information about me, feel free email to me winston.he@hotmail.com