数学图形(1.34) peut aussi曲线


vertices = 12000
t = from 0 to (2*PI)
m = 3
n = 7
w = PI/2
a = 10
p = a*sin(m*t)
q = w*sin(n*t+w)
x = p*cos(q)
y = p*sin(q)


vertices = 12000
t = from 0 to (2*PI)
m = rand_int2(1, 10)
n = rand_int2(1, 10)
w = PI/2
a = 10
p = a*sin(m*t)
q = w*sin(n*t+w)
x = p*cos(q)
y = p*sin(q)

posted on 2014-07-08 16:57  叶飞影  阅读(960)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报