


代码实例(可在pycharm中运行,摘自 https://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/defer.html

from twisted.internet import reactor, defer

class Getter:
    def gotResults(self, x):
        The Deferred mechanism provides a mechanism to signal error
        conditions.  In this case, odd numbers are bad.

        This function demonstrates a more complex way of starting
        the callback chain by checking for expected results and
        choosing whether to fire the callback or errback chain
        if self.d is None:
            print("Nowhere to put results")

        d = self.d
        self.d = None
        if x % 2 == 0:
            d.callback(x*3)  # 执行d的第一个回调函数,也就是_toHTML函数
            d.errback(ValueError("You used an odd number!")) # 执行d的errorback回调函数,也就是ebPrintError

    def _toHTML(self, r):
        This function converts r to HTML.

        It is added to the callback chain by getDummyData in
        order to demonstrate how a callback passes its own result
        to the next callback
        return "Result: %s" % r  #返回给第二个回调cbPrintData函数做参数

    def getDummyData(self, x):
        The Deferred mechanism allows for chained callbacks.
        In this example, the output of gotResults is first
        passed through _toHTML on its way to printData.

        Again this function is a dummy, simulating a delayed result
        using callLater, rather than using a real asynchronous
        self.d = defer.Deferred()
        # simulate a delayed result by asking the reactor to schedule
        # gotResults in 2 seconds time
        reactor.callLater(2, self.gotResults, x)  # 2秒后执行gotResults函数
        self.d.addCallback(self._toHTML)  # 添加第一个回调函数
        return self.d

def cbPrintData(result):

def ebPrintError(failure):
    import sys

# this series of callbacks and errbacks will print an error message
g = Getter()
d = g.getDummyData(3)

# this series of callbacks and errbacks will print "Result: 12"
g = Getter()
d = g.getDummyData(4)
d.addCallback(cbPrintData) # 添加第二个回调函数

reactor.callLater(4, reactor.stop)




官网示例图片:这里的Data Source就是 gotResults 函数,执行Deferred 的callback函数相当于把result给到callback模块,结果一级一级传递给所有的callback函数,任何一级callback出现错误,都将调用errback函数

同时,如果errback没有返回exception 或者 return a twisted.python.failure.Failure instance,将切回callback继续执行





posted @ 2019-11-25 14:43  liuxianglong  阅读(292)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报